We finally had to have the heat on a little. It's off again right now as I write this, but the temps are supposed to get even lower, so it will be coming back on. I even heard them mention "frost" for some areas. I love the crisp air. I worked out in the yard a little on Sunday doing a bit of clean-up. Sunny, breezy, cool........ahhhhhhhh!

This has always been one of my favorite Fall pictures. Cinder looking out the window watching the leaves blow around. She was a sweet little furry girl.
Golfer has made the clothing swap-out in the closet and has had to go with long pants some days for golf. I know he always dreads that, but he layers up and has a good time on the course.
We had the traditional Fall snack of cold cider and powdered donuts recently. It's more of a memory thing for me. When I was a little girl, every gathering and event in the Fall had cider and powdered donuts. Church, school, Brownies, Halloween parties, seemed like everywhere! So we have some token cider and donuts and memories. It was a good snack, but not quite the same. But then, what is?
So the yard clean-up was done. Golfer hauled all of our bags that were stacked behind the shed out to the curb for pick up. There is new grass coming up. Leaves are coming down. I don't know if we'll get much leaf color around here. Right around us the leaves are just drying, turning brown and falling off the trees. We've already raked several bags. The hot Summer, a dry spell, and then the high winds with the storms have made the leaves just give up I think.
I've been keeping up with the usual daily "stuff", getting to the "Y", finishing up some projects, and reading some good books. Golfer has been enjoying the nice weather on the course. He's also been finishing up some things.
The family is doing well. Everyone is busy. School is going well for BeyB, Boxer and Bloomer. CutieGirl is busy, happy, and will be having eye surgery next week. Little Miss E just got her first tooth!
Christmas shopping and preparations have been started. We'll have everyone here for an early Christmas the week before the actual day. There's another memory... when I was a girl, we always had "Sunday Christmas" at Grama's on the Sunday before Christmas. My sister and nieces, Mom and I would go to Grama and Granpa's for dinner and visiting, and presents. My Grama always had a live tree, colored lights, tinsel and she liked to use that Angel Hair white stuff on it. I'm not sure what that was, but I'm pretty sure it would be banned today. Mom and I always had a live tree, too. Mom always wanted one with pine cones on it because she liked to hear the crinkles and pops when they opened up as the tree warmed up.
Sorry, got off on a Christmas side track! I've been more nostalgic lately for some reason.
Anyway, we are doing well, keeping busy.
Stay safe!