Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Day Before Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone has a great day!

It is not going exactly as planned here.  Just about everyone at Nurse J's house is sick with various things and no one has been getting any sleep with two little girls being miserable and crying because they hurt and don't understand why.  And the grown-ups aren't well either.  I offered to mask up and glove up and go help but was told to stay away.  Nurse J doesn't want us to get sick, too.   So the decision has been made that Nurse J will try not to stress and worry about Thanksgiving and getting here for dinner.  I am still cooking and then we will take food over to them and pass it in through the door.  Hugs and kisses will come later when the germs are gone!

This is a year that Bikini comes for Christmas so they will be spending the day with Brief's family.

So, Life goes on.  I plan the haul out the containers with the Christmas decoration after dinner is cleaned up tomorrow.  During commercials on football watching, Golfer will set up the trees. :) Then on Friday I can take my time and do whatever I feel like decorating.

Today I am in the midst of some food prep.  The oven is never large enough for everything to be in there at the same time, plus it seems like everything needs a different temperature setting.  Today is sweet potatoes and pies!  I checked and the turkey is thawed.  I think this is the very first year I have not had to float it in cold water at the last minute and wrestle it loose.  So, yay me!

We have both spent time in the yard this week.  Lots of leaf clean-up and some pruning and cutting back of things.

Got to go check on things in the oven now.  Take care, stay safe, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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