Monday, August 26, 2013

One of Those Huh?? WTH! Moments

So our homeowners' association office sends us emails with notices of special happenings, any pertinent crime watch info, and other important "stuff".  It's good to be informed.

We got one recently telling us about a home owner in a neighboring area.  The home owner had a rattlesnake in his yard!  A real "WTH" moment!  And not only that, it was an endangered rattlesnake.  The email included instructions that if we saw a rattlesnake, we were NOT to pick it up and definitely DO NOT KILL IT!  They are on the protected species list.  Call animal control to come and get it.   Lawsuits would be filed if a snake was harmed.

I don't know about you, but my first thought isn't to pick up a snake when I see one.   I freaked my Grama out when I was little.  She and Granpa had taken me to Jungle Larry's Animal park and we were watching the show.  He asked if anyone wanted to pet the snake and I put my hand right up there!  I remember him being smooth.  The snake, not Jungle Larry.  I also remember Grama being pale. 

Now, you probably have figured out by now that I like God's creatures and don't wish any of them any harm.  When we lived in Colorado we learned to be alert and stay away from rattlesnakes.  If I come across a small snake (not a rattler) while working in the yard, I am more inclined to carefully loop him over the end of a rake and toss him to another area away from me.  When we lived in houses with woods behind us, I flung them that way.

However, my dear Golfer is not so inclined.  A dead snake is a good snake.  Plainly put, he does not like snakes.  Maybe there were too many on the farm where he grew up or something.  He's always been this way.  He would never purposely harm a creature.   He would do anything for me or his children and grandchildren.  He has a kind soul.  But snakes are in a whole separate category.

For the sake of these endangered rattlers, I hope they stay out of our yard.  For they are taking their lives into their own whatevers (I was going to say hands and realized that didn't fit!)

Stay safe!  And watch out for snakes!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Some Vacation Observations

We are now all settled in at our usual place to stay.  Was sort of a rough arrival considering the "elevator of doom".  And those of you who were here with us the last visit know what I mean.  The bellman had all of our stuff loaded on his cart and we got into the elevator.  We're on the twelfth floor.  On the way up the thing made a noise and lurched to a stop at least five times.  And each time it would announce it was having technical difficulties.  NO SH**!!  Golfer and I were watching each other and hanging on.  Each time it happened the young bellman muttered swear words real quietly.  And it wasn't like the thing would stop at an actual floor and let us open the door and move to the  other elevator.  No, we were there for the duration.  Finally got to the room and made a call for maintenance.  So each time we need to go up or down we hold our breath a little.

Other than that, things are pretty good.  I've been wondering if there is new management.  Things are a bit cleaner, there's been some other repairs and painting done, security is tighter.  The unit we're in has a larger fridge with an ice maker and even a small dishwasher.
The weather is beautiful.  It's around 80 and the sun is out and breeze is blowing.

One thing about our space here.  There is some interesting decorating.  I think Bloomer would call this a "fancy lady chair".  We also have this "fancy lady lamp"!  That's not just fringe around the shade, that's lots of fancy little beads!  Not the usual beach style decor!

As I've mentioned before, I like watching people.  Yesterday I saw a boy, maybe about 14 or 15 I'm guessing, catching some rays by the pool and watching the girls.  He had his shades on and he was being cool.  Then his Mom showed up and made him stand up so she could rub sun lotion all over him.  He did not look happy!

Saw a cute sight this morning.  There was a father out on the beach with a little boy about 3.  The dad had a metal detector.  The boy had a little shovel.  Dad would scan and point and then the digging began!

Stay safe!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Relaxation and Rest

Hey, all!

I hope it's a lovely day where you are!

It's beautiful here!  And this is a picture to prove that . . . . .

I took this picture while sitting on our twelfth floor balcony just a few minutes ago.  We're checking out a new place to stay.  It's pretty nice - Royal Garden Resort, in Garden City Beach, SC.  We spent the morning sitting out and being in the water, enjoying the sun.    Now we're just resting and relaxing.

The trip here was uneventful, except for about an hour and half on the way when I discovered we had both forgotten the hang-up bag in the closet with some of  our clothes!  Golfer looked at me and asked if I thought we were going to go back for it.  I said  "HE** no! We'll make do".  And we just stopped and checked out the sales at Penney's on the way in and bought a couple shirts!  I wasn't worried.  We had the important stuff.  You know, the golf gear and our pills!

I like to watch people.  You see some interesting things sometimes.  I think I inherited this pastime from Mom.  When she would travel, she said she never minded waiting in airports because she could watch the people!

I was looking out from our balcony.  There are a lot of blazing red vacationers down on the beach.  Now I admit, I like to sit out, and the sun makes me feel good.  Plus, it's one of the best ways to soak up some vitamin D.  But I have my limits.  About an hour and a half is the absolute tops for me to be out.  I'm  looking down at the people and they're so red it can be seen from up here.  What are they thinking?  And come on!  A lot of these folks are older than me and should know better.  A bad sunburn doesn't make your vacation better.  Use some sunscreen!  Or put on a shirt!  Come to think of it, a shirt is the best way to go.  That would cover up some of those stretched out, aged tattoos I've observed.  But, to each his own.  Live and let live.  Do no harm.  etc.  Enjoy life.

And stay safe!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I promised our niece that I would post a picture of the pergola that we recently had painted.  I've been trying to get that picture taken when the sun has been out and that turned out to be difficult.  I have seen the sun shining and by the time I could get my camera or phone and get to the door, it was cloudy again.  Welcome to Virginia weather this Summer!

So this morning I decided to take it anyway.  We think the pergola looks pretty good.  Sherwin Williams did a great job matching the color of the new decking.

As you can see the hydrangeas aren't blooming a lot.  I don't know what their problem is.  Maybe they don't like the weather??????  But two of the three are bushy and green.  The third one has had some issues but is starting to look better.

The ailing azaleas are history though.  They were out back by our storage shed, one on either side of the ramp.  And when I sit in my recliner and look out the window, that's what I would see - really sad looking azaleas.  So I pulled them up.  The newer one I returned to the garden center and got credit for a future purchase.  We need to do some research and see what might work better back there.  BTW - this was one of the projects on that to-do list I talked about in my last post.

The nibbled on liriope is looking a teeny bit better.  Perhaps the bunnies are dining elsewhere.

Stay safe!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013, la, la, la, la

It's a different kind of Summer around here.  For one thing we've had a LOT of rain.  Not constant, but often enough that things don't get completely dried out between the rain falls.  And we've had several days when it has only been in the 70's and we could turn the A/C off and open the windows.  That's almost unheard of around here!

One odd note about the weather though... on the TV news they reported that there is a new fungus growing on some vehicles that is "encouraged" by the weather.  This fungus will eat the paint off your car if you don't clean it.  WTH!  Sort of reminded me of the old Sci-Fi movie where the aliens looked like mold and took over!  Ick.

My sister has been moved into a nursing home for around the clock care.  Sadly there is not much any of us can do for her but try to keep her as comfortable as possible.  My niece did as much as she could to keep sis at home but her condition and care needed more.  Please keep them in your prayers.  I'm glad we got there to visit a few weeks ago.

The rest of the family is doing fine.  Boxer was injured at school, but he has recovered.  He and Bloomer like their new teachers and all is going well.  He is playing football and she is enjoying gymnastics.   BeyB won't go back to school until the day after Labor Day.  And little CutieGirl doesn't have to think about that for a few years!

Golfer will be playing in the World-Am Championship in Myrtle Beach next week.  I will be enjoying the pools, the beach, the sun (I hope) and reading some good books.  Several friends will be there, too, so we'll have a good time catching up.

I've sort of been in a "get it done" mode, kind of like the "nesting" that pregnant ladies do.  I keep thinking of things that need to be done, or I want done before I have surgery in October.  I have a list and have been checking things off.  I'll be honest, a lot these things don't matter to anyone but me.  But I'm doing them anyway!

We went to see "Wolverine" yesterday.  Great movie!  If you go, be sure to sit through the credits.  That's all I'm saying.  What I saw made me happy though!

That's about it for now.  Stay safe!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Friday, August 2, 2013


As Golfer and I have traveled around, we've had the opportunity to enjoy all types of wildlife, both tame and not so tame.  Lately, we've seen quite a few geese.  While in Ohio there were several flocks flying in their V formation over his brother's house.  There were some around our hotel.  

Geese are beautiful birds.  They mate for life. They seem to be good parents.  

We have a lot of geese in our community.  So many, in fact, that at times they have to be "relocated" because of the close proximity of the airport.  You don't want a goose flying into a plane's engine.  But, nevertheless, we always have geese around.  I love watching them.

But I have to wonder, how do their minds work?  I know they can fly.  But when they want to get from one side of the road to the other, they don't.  The ones around here have parades.  They walk single file across four lanes of divided road.  That's single file, one at a time, slowly, often leading the little ones.  They're adorable to watch.  And woe be to the driver who does not stop, or who sits there and honks his horn!  Our geese are members of the community, do not endanger them!  Take a deep breath and smile!

Stay safe!