Friday, June 30, 2017

Day Three

So far, so good!  We had some breakfast at the hotel, then read the local paper and watched some morning TV.  Then we headed to Field of Dreams!  It is very nicely done, info was posted on the background of making the movie.  It's really a beautiful site.  After walking around and taking pictures, and buying postcards, we got back on the road. 

Across Iowa, and a then across Minnesota and into South Dakota.  Beautiful country!  Thank you God!  Rolling fields, wide open skies.  Saw quite a few wind farms with the turbines.

We passed something called the "National Cattle Congress".  ???  We have no idea what that was.  Maybe the cattle all get together and vote and say "nope, not gonna' " :)

Here is an interesting fact.  In Minnesota, they have rest stops.  Not just any rest stops.  Rest stops with PARKING ONLY.  Yep.  We drove by a couple of those.  It was just parking places.  No buildings.  Not even any porta-potties!  Usually close by there would be a sign saying "modern rest stop so many miles ahead".  Strange.

We did stop at the Northern Iowa Welcome Center rest stop.  Nice place.  Large shop full of crafty stuff.  And also a tornado shelter!

Stay safe and God Bless America!  We're off to see more sites tomorrow!

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Day Two

We were back on the road by 6:45 this morning.  Ate some cereal at the hotel breakfast and then went to Starbucks for our coffee before heading onto the road.  For the most part, traffic was not bad.

These first two days have mostly been just getting from one location to another.  We crossed Indiana and Illinois.  Saw lots and lots of corn fields.  And once in Illinois we saw wind turbines twirling away.  Tonight we are in Dyersville, Iowa at the Super 8 Motel.  It is quiet and clean, people are friendly.  Across the back parking lot is the National Farm Toy Museum.  We checked that out this afternoon.  There are other touristy attractions here, but we stopped with that.  It was fun.  They even had a small barn/farm set like I had when I was little!  And replicas of tractors Golfer has driven.

We walked across the parking lot at the front to get to a restaurant for dinner.  The highlight was the homemade pie that we had after our salads and dinner.  :) We had peach!

After we crossed into Iowa, we stopped at the first rest stop.  Yay for Iowa for having WiFi in the rest stop!  It was clean and had small cubbies for people to work and even had a pay phone in there.

Here are the best of the signs for today:

"1,111 miles then turn left to Rushmore"   I think that one was in Indiana. 

On the back of a truck was "Have you prayed today?". This in itself is not remarkable.  But the picture of the man with the question was a dead ringer for Mr. Spock from Star Trek.

Do you remember Burma Shave signs from years ago?  Same concept here, signs on posts along the road.  I saw several of the groups.  Here are the best.

When thugs attack
And you can't run
That's the time
To have a gun.

Roses are red
My gun is blue
I am safe
How about you?

I figure the gun lobby had a hand in these.  There was a definite theme.  These all started in Illinois.

We stopped for our lunch at another lovely rest stop at Salt Pond.  There was a pond, geese, a little park, nice tables, etc.  Walked around a little bit before getting back in the car.

Tomorrow we are heading to Field of Dreams.  Stay safe and God Bless America!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Day One

We were on the road about 5:45 this morning.  Traffic was good, weather was good.  Stopped for breakfast around Richmond.

I love road trips and love just looking out the window.  I might check the phone once in a while when it beeps, but there's no reading or game playing, and I try to stay awake.  I was successful today!

So here are some highlights of our day:

I like reading the signs along the way.  First to inspire questions was "Shop at the Dude Mart".  We didn't look for it but I wonder what they sell??

Saw a super big billboard advertising the Jerky outlet.  We didn't look for that either, but really??  Is there a need?  Perhaps they supply the Dude Mart???

We were behind a truck for a while with a bumper sticker that said "Do Not Bump". Shouldn't that just be common knowledge?

Then we hit some heavy back-up due to road construction in WV.  It was creep and beep at about five miles an hour for quite a while.  Golfer hit the detour button on the GPS and we got off at the first available exit.  It was a nice ride.  We went through small towns on a two lane road.  First was Nitro.  Zip! And we were through Nitro.  Next was Poca, also quick.  It was lunch time and we were ready to stop and came to Eleanor, WV.  They had a lovely community park right on the main road.  So nice!

The rest of the afternoon went well.  Saw lots of corn fields, beautiful scenery.  We got to our hotel in Miamisburg, Ohio.  Quality Inn and Suites; clean, neat, and so far quiet.  The lobby area is torn up for some remodeling.

Our friend, E, recommended Bullwinkle's barbecue and we found it.  Very good.  I think we ate too much.  :)

We are back at the hotel now and in for the night.  We are both tired.

Stay safe and God Bless America!  It's beautiful!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Just Checking In

The party was wonderful, our girls did a great job, and we had a great time visiting with family and friends.  It was so great to see everyone!

Yesterday was spent catching up - laundry, cleaning, desk stuff, etc.  Some errands were done.  Some trip prep was done.  We will be heading out on our next adventure soon.

Boxer got Bloomer to the Atlanta airport on Sunday and on to the flight to be with her friend's family in Florida for a sea camp.  Bikini and Boxer left yesterday morning.  They are safely home.

At Nurse J's the bounce house was picked up first - Cutie Girl handled it well.  Little Miss E would have loved it, too, if she could have gotten up into it! The tent, tables, and everything were picked up yesterday.  Things are getting back to normal for everyone I think.

The furry boys have come out of hiding and have been lounging around everywhere.  :)

Life is good, stay safe!  God Bless America!


We have a new quilt!

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Thank you!

Golfer and I want to say a huge thank you to our wonderful girls and their families and to our friends for helping  us celebrate our 50th anniversary.  It was a great party and wonderful time.  Now we are off on the next 50!

Stay safe, people, and God Bless America!

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Happy 50th Anniversary to Us!

I love you with all my heart, Golfer.  We were so young and had no idea what a great life we would have.  We raised two beautiful daughters.  We've been on some great adventures and seen things we never thought we'd see.   I will love you forever and am looking forward to the rest of our lives.  XOXO

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Just Thinking Happy Thoughts

I love cats and I love being by the ocean.  So this cute cat on a ship "speaks" to me and makes me smile even though I am not at the beach at the moment. 😊

The surgery last week went well after some initial issues with the hospital's new computer system that said I wasn't on the schedule.  But I won't go into that right now.  I've spent the week taking care of myself and resting.  And thinking happy thoughts.  I haven't thought much of the Penrose drain but that was taken out this morning and my doctor says things look good and should finish healing okay.

We have had rain almost every day, thunderstorms in the evenings, rained all last night.  It is a little cooler today, but still sticky.

Bikini and family will be coming for a short visit the end of the week.  We are all getting together for  Golfer's and my 50th anniversary!  Then we will pack up and leave on our road trip.  So there is lots going on around here.  I would like to be doing more but have instructions to be careful and nothing too strenuous. So things get done as they can.  (or not at all)  ðŸ˜Š

Stay safe and God Bless America!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Ah, Nature!

This pretty guy has been sitting on our porch all day.  He's alive, but does not want to move evidently.  I thought I would try to gently move him into the shady area under the shrubs but he is hanging on to the porch.

I've spent the day doing some cleaning and some errands and some odds and ends.  Just getting things done before surgery.

It was 95 and sunny when I was out doing errands.  Golfer came home from the course exhausted.  We are in for the rest of the day in the A/C!

Bikini spent the last few days at the big quilt show in Atlanta.  She says everyone is well.  Boxer and Bloomer had Water Sports Camp this past week.

Things at Nurse J's house are on the mend I hope.  Cutie Girl is getting over a strep infection.  Little Miss E also has strep and is cutting teeth.  And Nurse J woke up on her birthday with a fever and strep infection.  Meds all around!   Needless to say we are staying out of germ range but will gladly pick-up and drop off anything they need!

I will be out of contact for a bit.  We check in to the hospital tomorrow at 11:00 for my surgery.

Stay safe and God Bless America!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Friday, June 9, 2017

Super Busy Week

We had a wonderful week in Myrtle Beach for the Military Retirees Golf Classic.  It was great to get to visit with friends, much golf was played, and I got to enjoy the ocean.  We returned on Sunday and have had a busy week with something, often more than one thing, on the calendar every day.  And in the midst of all this I am preparing for surgery again on Monday.  My doctor says this will be okay and shouldn't "be as bad" as the original surgery.  We shall see about that.  I am  not holding my breath but I am hopeful.  I will deal with it whatever happens.

There was a chuckle in the morning paper today.  After the week at the tournament this comic really nailed it!

Stay safe and God Bless America!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Good Morning!

All is well.  It's been a good week.

Beautiful sunrise today!

And while I was enjoying the ocean, I saw another school of fish, biggest one yet!

There were several smaller schools out there, too, but I couldn't get them all in the picture.

Stay safe and God Bless America!

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Another Beautiful Day!

I love watching the ever-changing ocean.  From our twelfth floor balcony I have been watching some large dark areas out in the water.

They sort of just float along and then all of sudden there is splashing and activity.  I asked E and T, our friends who live here, what this might be.  They told me the dark areas are schools of fish.  When the splashing starts, it means there is a predator fish coming underneath them.  I've been watching but have not seen any fins or big fish coming up out of the water, but I know that sharks are common here.

And here is this morning's sunrise picture!

Life is good!  Stay safe and God Bless America!