Monday, March 25, 2013


Hey, all!

It is still cold and gray here.  It was snowing a little more this morning before going to work, but it is pretty much all melted now.  It has been raining off and on today.

Just wanted to let you know that Dabney Morgan, the gardening expert at Anderson's, was correct.  These are "hardy" pansies I planted!  They are looking lovely today, no damage from being covered in snow and ice.

More later.  Stay safe!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

About Those Thoughts of Spring . . . .

My last post was so hopeful of Spring time!  Here is a picture taken today.  It has been gray and cold all weekend.  Started raining yesterday.  Turned to snow a couple hours ago.  Still snowing now. Sigh.  Golfer took this picture.  Notice the pretty Easter flag hanging there in the snow!  The pansies are completely covered.  I guess we'll see if they actually are "hardy" like the expert at the garden center said!

Golfer and I are doing okay. Obviously this weather is putting a crimp in any golf plans. 

We had the top repaired - new lift motor and parts - on Duke, the Mustang convertible.  Now I just need it to get warm enough to put the top down.

This is my last week to work.  As of March 29th I will be retired!  I will have some more to say on this subject later.

I hope all is well wherever you are.  Stay safe!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Thoughts of Spring!

Hey, all!

I haven't written in a while.  I've had a lot on my mind and didn't want to dump it all in a blog post, so I've sort of hesitated to write.  But I will get into all of that in another post in the near future.

Golfer and I are doing well.  Keeping busy with things around the house.  We're both ready for warmer weather to get here and actually stay!

Last weekend's weather was pretty cool, but I bundled up and went out to do a little yard clean-up.  I needed the fresh air and there were some things bugging me out there.  Pulled weeds, raked up leaves that were stuck under shrubs... you know, that sort of thing.  And then this past week Anderson's Garden Center started advertising a new shipment of pansies!  It was meant to be!  I had the mulched area all cleaned up and ready!  So I went yesterday and bought some beautiful pansies and got them planted.  The expert at the nursery assured me they were "hardy" ones and will do well.  I also planted a pot for the porch.

You can also see beside the porch pot that there is an Encore azalea waiting for Golfer to plant it when he digs up a dead one this week.  :)

There are buds appearing on some of the trees.  The news reports are including pollen counts already.  So Spring is definitely on the way.

In family health news I had all my annual appointments and so far, so good.  Golfer had a stress test and that had good results.  Brief is in the physical therapy stage of his shoulder surgery recovery.  CableGuy had a spinal injection for a problem disc.  NurseJ and baby are doing well and we are all waiting for her arrival.  Golfer's brother, L, is still dealing with some heart issues and is off work until the doctor approves his return.  My sister, D, is having liver and kidney issues and will start chemo if her doctor says she can handle it.

I hope everyone is well and happy.  Take care and stay safe!