Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Some Random Thoughts and Things I Expect and Want

I expect courtesy, honesty, and manners.

I want to hear "please" and "thank you".

I want other drivers to obey the yield and stop signs, all laws, and stop texting, tweeting and phoning (unless it's a Blue Tooth device)  And on the topic of driving, I really don't want to be sitting next to you in traffic while you are behind the wheel putting on your make-up, reading the paper or shaving!

I want people to be kind to animals and children.

When I ask someone a question, I expect an answer; even if it's just a "no" or "I don't want to talk now".  Don't ignore me.  I'm flexible, I can ask you again later.

And my most recent want  . . . .  when I go into Starbucks, I want the coffee I like to be brewed and ready and the barristas actually paying attention to the customers!  They are a coffee shop.  How can they let the coffee run out??

Stay safe.  (I'm trying Starbucks again in the morning!)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

Yep, We're Still Here!

I just realized it's been a while since my last post.  Things have been busy and time flies right along!  And add to that the extremely hot and humid weather that just sucks the energy right out of a person and well . . . . nothing got written!

But Golfer and I are fine.  The furry kids are all doing great.  They are all getting along well, and the little ones are growing and still as feisty as ever!  Maybe even more so as they get into something new every day.  But gee, they are lovable!  They do so many cute things and move so fast it's hard to get pictures though. 

Last weekend Bikini and family came for a visit!  It was her 20th high school reunion weekend.  In between reunion activities we worked in some family time and Nurse J and family came too!  It was great to get everyone together.  To be honest though, I am not totally convinced that the kids liked the roasting of marshmallows as much as the adults!

Golfer and I had to get new tires put on our Mustang.  Seems like it's always something.  Now we're waiting for the work to be scheduled for the installation of a new generator.  That will give lots of "peace of mind" during our stormy weather around here.  The yard is holding it's own for now in spite of the weather, but I'm not sure I want to look at the next water bill. 

It is almost August and that means Summer is starting to wind down although the hot weather will certainly last a lot longer.  Boxer and Bloomer start back to school in Georgia August 1st.  BeyB will be starting high school after Labor Day.  Seems impossible!  Sees like they were all just tiny babies!

I had one of my semi-annual eye appointments this week.  All is okay, except I need new glasses.  It's been a couple years.  Thank goodness for insurance!  They've been ordered.

That's about it from here.  Time to get busy.  Stay safe!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Just an Observation

First off, let me be quite clear that I don't really care if people get upset with the President.

But it seems to me, if they were trying to build up support for a campaign, the President's "people" would have enough sense to NOT schedule multiple visits and appearances on a Summer Friday afternoon in an area with lots of bridges and tunnels and bad traffic even on a good day.  You pick a Friday afternoon in a high tourist area and you are just asking to annoy people!  DUH!

Stay safe!

Happy Birthday, Bikini!

We did not know you shared your day with Han Solo and Capt. Picard!  Love you!

Friday, July 6, 2012

What Fun!

And the joy of being a kid again!

Golfer lit the first fire in our new fire pit this evening.  We roasted hot dogs for supper.  Then we feasted on toasted marshmallows for dessert!  YUM!!!!  Had been a lot of years since we had done anything like that.  It was FUN!

In other news  - - it's still hot and humid here.  The weather forecast is for more hot and humid. 

The furry kids are all fine.  Actually they are all resting now.  The flurry of chowing down their supper is over and it wore them out.

The plumber came today and said we needed to order a couple parts for the kitchen faucet.  Said to call him when we got them and he'd come back.  I think it's a warranty issue.  Supposedly the gutter guys were here, but neither of us saw them and there's no evidence of mess, so either they were extremely neat and clean or they lied on the note they left in the mailbox.  We'll see when we have the next hard rain.

That's about all from here. Stay safe!

Thursday, July 5, 2012


This morning's coffee and paper were interrupted by the sudden splashing of a small kitten, Angus P.,  flailing around in the dish water.  Evidently during a happy romp up, over, and around everything, he slipped and fell in.  He was rescued by Golfer, wrapped in towels and dried off.  Then the kitchen was cleaned!  His brother, Finnigan, was patiently sitting nearby looking innocent.  No sign of the older siblings, Cinder and Cecil, but I thought I heard giggling.

Stay safe!