Friday, July 6, 2012

What Fun!

And the joy of being a kid again!

Golfer lit the first fire in our new fire pit this evening.  We roasted hot dogs for supper.  Then we feasted on toasted marshmallows for dessert!  YUM!!!!  Had been a lot of years since we had done anything like that.  It was FUN!

In other news  - - it's still hot and humid here.  The weather forecast is for more hot and humid. 

The furry kids are all fine.  Actually they are all resting now.  The flurry of chowing down their supper is over and it wore them out.

The plumber came today and said we needed to order a couple parts for the kitchen faucet.  Said to call him when we got them and he'd come back.  I think it's a warranty issue.  Supposedly the gutter guys were here, but neither of us saw them and there's no evidence of mess, so either they were extremely neat and clean or they lied on the note they left in the mailbox.  We'll see when we have the next hard rain.

That's about all from here. Stay safe!

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