Wednesday, May 31, 2017


First morning at the beach sunrise.  Beautiful!  And peaceful!

Stay safe, folks.  God Bless America!

Monday, May 29, 2017


Sometimes you just have to love your GPS and trust it.  We frequently have conversations with ours as we are out and about.  Take a look at this "road".  I'm guessing if it was ever paved it was perhaps in the mid-1900's.  We were surprised it even had a name!  There is a train track on the right, too.
Stay safe and God Bless America!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Busy Morning!

Angus has been busy running from window to window all morning.  There is a lot of squirrel activity in our yard today.  Angus has been on guard duty at the office window for quite a while and I looked out.  This is what I saw....

Must be break time.  Stay safe, people, and have a good weekend.  God Bless America!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A Rainy Tuesday

It's dark and wet here, about 66 out right now.

The usual morning stuff has been done and I went to a dermatology appointment.  All is well, just a recheck.  I did a couple errands on the way back home.

Golfer has been to the "Y".  He is now working on his laptop.

I might have mentioned that our azaleas don't all bloom at the same time.  This gorgeous bush is blooming right now.  I took the picture yesterday.

All our hydrangea bushes are starting to bloom now, too.  The ones closest to the house seem to be lavender this year.

It's a quiet day and we have some odds and ends to take care of.  I'm really looking forward to the beach and seeing friends soon. 😊

Stay safe and God Bless America!

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Just Sharing a Pretty Picture

Hey, all!  I hope your Sunday has been a good one!

It has been cloudy off and on here all day and has cooled off a bit.  I think it is supposed to rain tomorrow.

I spent most of the day doing odds and ends and some errands.  Also finished a good book - Redshirts by John Scalzi.  He wrote the Old Man's War series that Golfer and I both have liked.

IT Guy, BeyB, and Cutie Girl are home like I said in the last post.  I wanted to share this pretty picture of the smallest traveler.  ðŸ˜Š

Stay safe and God Bless America!

Saturday, May 20, 2017


I hope all is well with everyone!  I continue to get better, but it is slow.  Enough said on that.

We had a wonderful visit with Golfer's brother, L, who was in the area last week on business.  Then last weekend his wife, V, came down, too.  Of course, that was when our weather was cold and rainy and it hampered outdoor ventures, but we had a good time anyway.  And the guys had been able to play golf earlier in the week when it had been sunny.

We've been keeping up with all the usual stuff around here.  I had to call the pest control man to come back and do another foundation treatment for ants.  I think all the rain we had must have washed away what he put down a couple weeks ago.  There were ants crawling around and trailing all over the foundation and around the doors and windows.  That seems better now.

The yard is looking good.  The new mulch still smells great and has settled in.  The hydrangeas are starting to bloom now.  We still have some azaleas blooming.  Ours do not all bloom at the same time.

We will be heading to Myrtle Beach soon for the Military Retirees Golf Tournament and visiting with our friends.  I have started making some "piles" in the closet but won't pack until later in the week.

Bikini says things are busy at their house.  Lots of end of school year activities, work, ballgames, etc. but they are all well.

We have helped Nurse J a little and had some time with Little Miss E.  IT Guy, BeyB, and Cutie Girl had gone to Illinois to help IT Guy's Mom with some things.  Sounds like a lot got done.  They are home now.  Cutie Girl will be busy today seeing her toys again and playing in the yard I am sure!  Little Miss E is almost walking.  While she was here with us she would crawl as fast as possible to the middle of the kitchen, stand up, clap her hands and laugh.  But no steps yet.  Any time now though!

She ate the bananas first!
Golfer and I went to see "Guardians of the Galaxy 2".  Very good and I want to see it again!  There were a  lot of excellent previews for upcoming movies and it looks like we will be spending time at the theater this Summer.  We want to see almost all of them!

We are both reading good books and are still catching up on recorded TV shows.  Some shows we watch are ending so it's a collection of season finales and series finales.

So, all in all, life is good.  Stay safe and God Bless America!

Thursday, May 11, 2017


I have not posted much lately.  "In a nutshell", I've been dealing with post-surgery complications that involved major pain.  I am slowly getting better and the physical symptoms are a bit better each day.  What I am having a problem with is being afraid.  I do not like being afraid.  But the pain was so bad that I am afraid it will happen again.  I am working on getting over this, but the feeling just won't go away.  I am still limited on what I can do and am being careful.  My doctor says this is going to take a while to clear up.  Sigh.

I can make phone calls though and have been keeping up with the desk work and scheduling things.  We have recently had our quarterly pest control visit,  the generator repair was completed, the annual termite inspection is next week.  I found someone to do our new mulch and that was done this week.  Looks great and smells wonderful!  We like shredded cedar.  :)  And I finally got my hair trimmed.  It needed it several weeks ago and I was otherwise occupied.

I was okay while Golfer went on the annual guys' golf trip to Myrtle Beach.  I watched TV and movies, read a lot, and played with our furry boys.  He had considered cancelling but I said "no!".  Nurse J is just a phone call away if I had needed anything.  So I rested and he had a good time playing golf with  his friends.

It is cooler and rainy again here.  I had to turn the heat on when we had a couple days only in the 50's and down to 40 at night.  It will be hot again soon.

I hope all is well with you all.  Life is good.  Stay safe and God Bless America!

p.s. New haircut

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Strange News

I admit, I skim through most articles in the newspaper.  My favorite section in the paper is the funnies. :)

But an article in last Saturday's paper caught my eye.  You all know I love cats, so when I saw "Cat-shaving mystery confusing Waynesboro" I had to read on!

Evidently someone is going around and shaving other people's cats.  The article said that so far, seven cats have been taken and their underbellies and legs had been precisely shaved.  The police Captain said that all the cats clearly had owners, were well-groomed and wearing collars.  And all of the cats were returned to their owners otherwise unharmed.  But the cats seemed "BOTHERED".  Well, duh!  I know our furry boys would be bothered about this, too.  It does not take much to bother a cat.

The police are not sure what crime is being committed, but cat owners in the area would like it to stop.   Geez.

So, here is a picture of Angus being only slightly bothered.

Stay safe, people.  Watch your cats.  And God Bless America!