Sunday, February 28, 2010


We hope you have a good birthday!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Hey, all!

It's a gorgeous day here - sunny and probably around sixty degrees now. Golfer is playing golf again today. I am so very glad that he is able to do that.

I spent several hours working out in the yard. My new leaf blower definitely has "more power". When I first turned it on it lifted up the heavy door mat at the front door and sailed it out onto the sidewalk. Then I turned to a lower power level. All our mulched areas but one are now cleaned up and ready for new mulch. I'll try to get that last area sometime this week.

I am anxious to get some flowers planted out front. Will have to check on that!

The neighborhood is busy today. Quite a few of the neighbors are also doing clean-up work in their yards. A couple were even mowing. And a couple were washing cars. Tomorrow is the bulk garbage pick-up for our neighborhood and the guys are going to have a bunch of bags to haul away.

BeyB has bronchitis, but Nurse J has taken her to the doctor and she is on medicines and is starting to feel better.

That's about all from here. I'm taking it easy the rest of the day! Stay safe!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Hey! Where Did the Time Go?

I feel like I've been in a time warp or something. Nothing momentous going on, just lots of regular stuff and routine things that needed doing. And of course, for the last few days, I've been caught up watching the Olympics. There's nothing like watching an athlete slide down a big hill! And on another topic, too bad the Russians are such poor sports. I think the American skater was way better and had a nicer attitude!

It was sunny here today and made it up to 50! Tomorrow is supposed to be a little warmer and I plan to try to do a little work out in the yard. I want to do some clean-up and get things ready for the new mulch to be put down. We have someone lined up to do that and prune the Crape Myrtles, and he likes to do the pruning early. Also, I got a new electric blower for Christmas that I want to try!

Golfer finally got out to play golf today. He said it was better than he had expected. His golf buddies have been supportive and told him they didn't care how bad he was after not playing since September, just come on out. So maybe things are looking up!

I've spent the day doing some housework, getting groceries, and working on Golfer's retirement scrapbook. Got to go fix supper now.

Stay safe!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


While much of the country is being dumped on and enduring blizzard conditions, I hate to complain. But as I have said before --- I am ready for Spring. The weather forecast for our area for today was a possible "dusting" of snow with no accumulation. Nurse J called us on her way in to her office to tell us that was wrong and it was way worse than that. I was in the process of getting ready to leave for work myself and headed on out. Carefully. It was snowing great big fluffy flakes. And they came down fast and thick and the wind picked up. Visibility was about a block ahead and it was sticking to the streets. Ick. It has let up some now and is just lightly coming down and piling up. But it's supposed to snow more later today and the wind is to increase.

Bikini says it's snowing in Georgia again, too, but she's thinking there won't be any accumulation.

Other than that, all is well here. Golfer and I have been taking care of odds and ends around the house and cleaning out a few things. There's a long "to-do" list in my head for things that need to be done outside if we can ever get out there. With all the rain and snow, I'm sure the yard will be muddy for a long time. Unbelievably, I saw daffodils coming up in a neighbor's yard. A sign of hope! We don't have any. Daffodils, that is. We have plenty of hope. It's been my experience that if I plant daffodils, the squirrels eat them, so I just enjoy others'. I try to to always have hope.

So for now, that's about it from here. Stay safe!

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Yep! That's what they're calling it this weekend!

It took until last Thursday for the schools to reopen and things get back to a somewhat normal condition. It remained cold here all week. Then on Friday there was some rain, that turned to snow as it got even colder. Then it turned back to cold, icy rain and rained all night and into this morning when it turned back to snow. It has snowed pretty much all day. With falling night-time temperatures, the roads are icing up. There has been no place for any of the water to go because of all the rain we've had in this area. The standing water is freezing and being covered by snow. Broken bones waiting to happen. The snow is supposed to stop tonight sometime.

People closer to the water have another problem --- tidal flooding. Higher water levels because of the huge amounts of rain combined with hurricane force winds thirty miles off the coast are making tides higher than normal.


Golfer and I are safe and staying in. We've caught up on some recorded TV shows and I did some laundry and other cleaning. We've surfed around on the computers. I finished a good book.

So that's it for excitement around here. I hope you're all well and happy! Stay safe!