Wednesday, February 10, 2010


While much of the country is being dumped on and enduring blizzard conditions, I hate to complain. But as I have said before --- I am ready for Spring. The weather forecast for our area for today was a possible "dusting" of snow with no accumulation. Nurse J called us on her way in to her office to tell us that was wrong and it was way worse than that. I was in the process of getting ready to leave for work myself and headed on out. Carefully. It was snowing great big fluffy flakes. And they came down fast and thick and the wind picked up. Visibility was about a block ahead and it was sticking to the streets. Ick. It has let up some now and is just lightly coming down and piling up. But it's supposed to snow more later today and the wind is to increase.

Bikini says it's snowing in Georgia again, too, but she's thinking there won't be any accumulation.

Other than that, all is well here. Golfer and I have been taking care of odds and ends around the house and cleaning out a few things. There's a long "to-do" list in my head for things that need to be done outside if we can ever get out there. With all the rain and snow, I'm sure the yard will be muddy for a long time. Unbelievably, I saw daffodils coming up in a neighbor's yard. A sign of hope! We don't have any. Daffodils, that is. We have plenty of hope. It's been my experience that if I plant daffodils, the squirrels eat them, so I just enjoy others'. I try to to always have hope.

So for now, that's about it from here. Stay safe!

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