Monday, May 13, 2024


Jordan recently took this picture of Angus.  I love it!   It was a rare appearance for him, too.  Usually when everyone is here, the furry boys are never seen hide.  But they both came out to say hi this time.  I don't know what Angus is watching, but he stayed with us and even played with the girls. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mothers' Day

We love and miss our Moms.  It is because of them that Les and I met and we've had such a great life.

Here they are having a day off and catching some sun at Baylor's Beach.  Love you both! 💕


It's been a couple days since I've had a chance to post.  It's been busy here.  We have had five scheduled appointments, the siding work has begun, and there have been things that needed attention.  I am sure you all know how that is.

As far as doctor appointments, there are no new results or answers for Les.  But we are doing okayish.  I had an urgent appointment with my Orthopedic doctor for wrist pain.  I had thought it would get better, but it didn't.  So x-rays were done, and he said nothing broken, I have bone spurs (no surprise there), he gave me a Cortisone shot, had me get a new wrist brace, and ordered some hand therapy.  My first appointment for that is next Friday.

Besides siding work, we have our quarterly pest control visit and our annual termite inspection this coming week.

Andy is doing a good job on the siding.  It is just him so the job will take a while, but he is very careful and it looks great.  He has worked around our "iffy" weather and made sure that no areas were left uncovered.  This picture shows where he started.  The light siding is our old.  The darker is the new "English Wedgewood" color.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good!  And God Bless America!

Friday, May 3, 2024



We are still in pollen season here, but it is nice that everything is so fresh and green!  This will probably be the last picture of our house until after the new siding work is all finished.

Yesterday afternoon was busy.  The siding, insulation, and other materials were all delivered.  Our Contractor friend Steve came, too, to make sure everything was here.  It's all stacked up in the garage and waiting for Andy, the siding guy, to come.  The work is supposed to start on Monday if the weather cooperates.

While that was going on, our neighbor's yard guys showed up to do her yard.  We talked to them and an estimate for us should arrive soon.  

The Riverside Home Health nurse called to set up an appointment.  She came this morning just to do a check on Les.  He is doing well and getting stronger.  

It is warm and humid right now, but the forecast says that will be changing.  Tomorrow's forecast says mid-60's, and rain starting on Sunday.  You know, right before our siding project is supposed to start.

I've done the usual morning stuff and have the auto oven cleaning running right now.

Take care and stay safe.  Remember life is good.  And God Bless America!  (if you watch any of the news, you know we need it!)

Thursday, May 2, 2024



Since it's been so long since I've posted, here is an update to the yard art picture.  One of the flowers was defective and I returned it and was sent another set of four. 

I hope everyone is well and keeping safe.  

There has been lots going on around here.  Les was hospitalized again for a couple days with another infection.  When discharged, a home nurse came to instruct me on how to give him the antibiotics through a PICC line.  Those antibiotics are all finished and he is now on oral ones, and the line is out.  He is doing better and regaining some strength.  Several doctor appointments have been scheduled and several tests are being done.  We would all like for these infections to stop happening.

This afternoon the new siding is supposed to be delivered and placed in our garage.  The work is supposed to start on Monday.  

We are waiting on an estimate from our neighbor's yard company.  We've decided that all the mowing, trimming, and edging is just too  much for us to do.  Our neighbor's guys do a good job and can just do ours at the same time.  We will get used to it.

We had a nice visit with Larry and Violet over the weekend.  They came to check on us and take some golf equipment back with them.   Their son and grandson can use some of it.

I've been trying to keep up with things and am trying to clean out some things, too.  There is always something that needs to be done.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good, even when challenging.

God Bless America!