Sunday, May 12, 2024


It's been a couple days since I've had a chance to post.  It's been busy here.  We have had five scheduled appointments, the siding work has begun, and there have been things that needed attention.  I am sure you all know how that is.

As far as doctor appointments, there are no new results or answers for Les.  But we are doing okayish.  I had an urgent appointment with my Orthopedic doctor for wrist pain.  I had thought it would get better, but it didn't.  So x-rays were done, and he said nothing broken, I have bone spurs (no surprise there), he gave me a Cortisone shot, had me get a new wrist brace, and ordered some hand therapy.  My first appointment for that is next Friday.

Besides siding work, we have our quarterly pest control visit and our annual termite inspection this coming week.

Andy is doing a good job on the siding.  It is just him so the job will take a while, but he is very careful and it looks great.  He has worked around our "iffy" weather and made sure that no areas were left uncovered.  This picture shows where he started.  The light siding is our old.  The darker is the new "English Wedgewood" color.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good!  And God Bless America!

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