Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Woo Hoo!!

This greeting is for all you pumpkin spice latte lovers!  I have seen and heard online, in print, and on the news that TODAY is the season premier of Pumpkin Spice everything this year!  So I am sending good wishes and saying enjoy!

I will not be joining you.  Don't get me wrong.  I like pumpkin . . . . . in pies, cobbler, maybe muffins, and as Fall decorations.  But do not put pumpkin, or spices, in my coffee.  Period.  

So, if you have not already done so, and you are a fan, go get yourself a treat.  Enjoy!

And while you are doing so, stay safe and be careful.  

Life is good.  God Bless America!

Monday, August 29, 2022

A Visit to the Beach SkyCam

You probably know that the Myrtle Beach area is a favorite of mine.  I often check the Beach SkyCam.  The other morning this is what I saw when I logged on.  

Sometimes there will be more than one sitting there.  Sometimes they walk right up and put their face right in the camera for a closeup!

This morning I checked the Cam and it is raining at the beach.  This is what I saw.

And then......

I had to try a closeup picture of the screen to show all three.  It must have been bath time for them, all three were preening and moving around, and fluffing themselves up to get wet.  

If I turn up the sound I can hear the waves on the beach, too, while I watch the water.

Stay safe, people!  Life is good!  And God Bless America!

Sunday, August 28, 2022


Another week has flown by!

I've been trying to keep up with things, doing errands, taking care of things.  My face is slowly healing from the biopsy.  I am pretty sure that it will leave a scar.  But I figure hey, what's one more scar.  The spot on my back is healing nicely and doing well.

It is still hot and humid here.  I don't know if it is age, lack of patience, the state of the world, or whatever, but I am done with hot humid Summer weather this year.  I am ready for Fall.  I know it is still going to be hot for a while here, but I can still enjoy our Fall decorations and I am slowly getting them out.  You know, giving encouragement to Mother Nature.  And yes, I do realize that we are still in the midst of hurricane season here, so anything is possible.

Our girls are doing okay.  Everyone at Pam's seems to be over whatever flu attack they all had.  They are all back to school and work.  

At Jacquie's house they are busy getting ready for the first day of school tomorrow for the three girls.  Of course some of Jordan's classes are virtual online classes.  C and E had visits with their new teachers last week at Open House.  Jacquie says they are doing okay.

Les had his annual eye appointment and that went well.  One more thing checked off.  

I am looking forward to getting my hair trimmed this coming week.  I had to reschedule my appointment due to the biopsy and needing to keep it dry.  So a trim is a bit overdue!

Supper is in the oven and fresh corn has been cleaned and is ready to cook.  That's pretty much it for today.  Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good and God Bless America!

I took a detour through a parking lot on the way  home from Starbucks the other morning to get this picture.  I love taking sky pictures!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Just a Cute Picture from a Star Trek Fan


Stay safe and take care of yourselves.  God Bless America!

Friday, August 19, 2022

Don't Ask Me!

I have no idea where the time went.  I knew it had been a few days since I had posted, but did not realize it had been so long.  So here are some updates! 

There have been quite a few things on our calendar.  We have had a termite booster treatment applied to our home.  We built our home in 1995.  Did you know that the original treatment for termites during construction is only good for about ten years according to what we were told?  $$$

Our generator had its annual service.  It's good to be prepared.

Then our sprinkler system needed some repairs when two zones stopped working.  Worn out diaphragm in one of the control boxes.  That repair was complicated by "our guy" finding a large tree root growing up from underneath that box and crushing/squeezing the box.  We were told it was only a matter of time before it would have quit working totally.

Our MDX was due for some necessary service and maintenance.  We knew this was coming, but $$$. 😊 All good now.

I had my annual ear checkup and hearing test.  Just a slight change in the hearing test.  So far, so good there.

Then I had my annual visit with the Dermatologist.  One spot frozen and our doctor said no concern there.  Large spot on my face needed biopsy.  Thankfully, the results were negative and my face is healing.  I need to keep a bandage on it for at least ten days.  I find that a little annoying, but am dealing with it.  At least it has stopped hurting.

Les has been going to his PT sessions and gets out to play golf when he can.  He has a couple appointments coming up in the next couple weeks.

Our weather was extremely hot and humid for a while with high humidity and high heat indexes.  We got a break in that for a few days and finally got out to get some yard work done.  It was just too hot to work outside for us when the index was 110!  But Les has gotten the mowing and trimming done.  Over the course of  several days, I got the front shrubs all trimmed and pruned, and the front mulched areas cleaned up.  Then I started on the backyard.  I still have one area left to do out there.  I simply ran out of energy, and it's hotter again.  Except for that area, the weeding, pruning, trimming, and clean up are done for now.  I hope to get to that last area in the next week.

I am almost finished with the touch-up painting project.  Just need to work on the woodwork touch-up.  I pace myself and no longer try to do everything all at once. 😀

I have also cleaned out some cabinets and closets and started Christmas shopping. 🎄

Our girls are alright but have been dealing with some various things and getting our grandchildren ready for school.  Z and B are back to school now.  Jordan, Cutie Girl, and Little Miss E go back on the 29th.

Les' brother has recovered from Covid.  He was fully vaccinated and boostered and still got it.  He's doing well now, and has no idea how he got it.

Speaking of vaccines..... it's almost time to get our flu shots and another Covid vaccine booster.  Our doctor told us that they should be starting in September.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good!  And God Bless America!

Just a picture of a pretty sky. 💗

Saturday, August 6, 2022

News Updates

I used to record and watch every minute of the "Today Show" every morning.  I still record it, but I do a lot of fast forwarding now.  There is only so much I can take.  I want to know what is going on in the world.  But really, I don't need to hear it all on a constant stream, or more than once.  

There are the usual reports about politics, natural disasters, wars, killings, protests, and of course, the Covid pandemic.  I am sure none of you need to hear me telling you about all that.

So, here are a few things that "caught my ear" and most made me think "what now?"

Expect a shortage of Halloween candy!  Hershey says there are still supply chain issues and shortages of ingredients and there will not be as much candy this year.  Terrible news!  So if you see the kind you like, go ahead and buy it now.

Expect wine shortages due to supply chain issues and shortages of glass wine bottles.  Guess the wine drinkers will have to switch to boxes.  Also affecting this are shortages of grapes due to environmental issues, fires, storms, and other weather.  Again, the reporters' advice is to buy early!

Beer shortages are also expected.  This is due to a severe shortage of Carbon Dioxide that is needed to make beer.  Again the advice is to stock up if you are a beer drinker.  And they also said to get used to flat beer.  ????

This next report puzzles me a bit, but there are clothing issues.  Shoppers can't find Fall clothing.  I don't know about you, but our heat index is still around 100 degrees here and I'm not thinking of Fall clothes.  But then I'm not a huge fan of clothes shopping anyway.  Supply chain issues again, but with a twist.  All those many, many barges that have been backed up and carrying Summer clothing are now being unloaded and overstocking the stores.  So the stores have no room for the Fall items.  The advice for this is to get out there and shop - but safely! - and move that Summer product out of the stores.  Good luck!  I will not be going.

This next one hits close to home for me. 😀 I am a long time subscriber to "Martha Stewart Living" magazine.  I had a couple years off while she was in jail and after, but then I was offered a really good subscriber cost and started up again.  She does have some good ideas, and the pictures are always beautiful.  I admit I never have cooked any of her recipes though.  Well!  The magazine is no more. I heard a report and I received a postcard announcing I would no longer be getting it, but could find parts of it online. HUH! 

"The times they are a'changing", try to keep up.  Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Life is good!  God Bless America!