Saturday, February 28, 2015

So What Have You Been Doing ????

You must understand that here in Virginia, when it snows, or even when the experts think it's going to snow, just about everything stops.  It is not cost effective to have enough equipment to handle snow removal.   Schools close, businesses close, even the military bases cut back.  We're all told to stay off the roads so emergency personnel can get around.

And then we are asked by folks who live in other areas of the country - where snow is handled better and more often - what have you been doing?

Here at our house all of the desk work and filing are done.  Our tax papers are almost ready to be turned in, our RDX is all set up, reading has been done, movies have been watched, recorded shows have been watched.  My latest project was cleaning off our book shelves.  I have a couple bags of books to donate to the library and a bag to turn in at the used paperback store I like.

Thursday I cleaned out our linen closet.  The last time Bikini and I talked she mentioned that if my Mom was here she would be horrified by our linen closet.  Mom would come visit us whenever she could over the years.  And whenever she did, she always tidied up the linen closet.  Everything would be folded all nice and neat and stacked up.  We'd joke about it.  We all miss her.

Anyway, when Bikini was here after my surgery she noticed the closet.  So I finally did something about it!  I have several bags of things to donate.  I had help while I was doing the closet.  And here is Cinder admiring a new hiding space.  She will have to get Angus to teach her how to open the doors so she can get in!

Golfer has shoveled our walk and driveway and we have some deep piles of snow that will be around for weeks.  And as I have said before, we're all ready for Spring!

Stay safe!

Friday, February 27, 2015

RIP, Leonard Nimoy

For many, many years, our Saturday afternoons and evenings included Star Trek.  You were one of our favorites.  You will be missed.

This was taken at a wax museum in California

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sigh . . . .

I think the poor robins that came back into our area a couple weeks ago need to get a new travel adviser.  They probably were not expecting this.  I took these pictures after breakfast this morning and it is still snowing.  God does do wonderful work and this looks beautiful, but I am sooooo ready for warm, dry weather.

Stay safe!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Say Hello to Spock!

Yesterday afternoon in the midst of an unexpected snowfall that the experts say surprised them, Golfer and I traded in Rico, our Toyota truck, and purchased an Acura RDX.  Here he is sitting in the garage with Kirk, our MDX.

Yes, I know.  Spock looks sort of gray in this picture. He isn't.

That glaring light coming in the door is reflection from the snow and ice still remaining from the previous snowfalls.  Another 4" - 8" is predicted for tonight.

Anyway..... Spock is a 2013, Amber Brownstone (impressive name for tan, isn't it?) RDX with XM and Bluetooth.   Interior is tan leather.   Most importantly, all of Golfer's golf gear fits very nicely!

So that is what we've been doing.  Taking things out of one vehicle, arranging it in a new one.  Setting up insurance transfer, city property tax transfer, XM Radio contract transfer.  Also Golfer got the last of the ice and snow off the driveway.  Just in time for the new stuff to come down!  We are sooooooooo ready for Spring!

Stay safe!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Some Melting!

It's been a long, cold, snowed-in week!  But it's finally a bit warmer and things are starting to melt.  Of course, the weather forecast says a front is coming through soon to drop the temps again and there might be more snow tonight.

Most of the week the streets in our neighborhood were snow and ice covered.  Today has finally cleared them a lot.  Golfer and I have ventured out a couple times the last couple days.  Thursday evening we went to dinner at the Italian restaurant here in Kiln Creek that is just up the road.  And we ventured out to Starbucks one morning.  Yesterday we made it to the Commissary.

We've been catching up on watching our recorded shows and some movies.  Our tax paperwork  is all ready to take and turn in as soon as we get one last form we're waiting on.  All my "desk stuff" and filing is done.

"I don't want to see any more snow!"

So here we are.  Everyone is ready for Spring!  But for now, it's still cold.  This is Finnigan illustrating how we have all felt this past week!

Stay safe!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Weather Update

As I said in the previous post, precautions and preparations were made for our snowy weather.  Even though the state of emergency was declared and folks urged to stay in, by the 11:00 p.m. news last night there were hundreds and hundreds of accidents and disabled vehicle reports.

I'm guessing here at our house we might have gotten about six inches of snow.  The top layer of that is a crisp icy layer of frozen sleet.  Golfer went out before breakfast and started cleaning our drive and front walk.  He finished shoveling, sweeping, and putting down salt after breakfast. 

All schools and a lot of businesses are closed.  No papers have been delivered yet. 

I did the usual morning stuff that I always do and also did a load of laundry.  Made Golfer an omelet for breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen.  Right now I'm on my tablet and Golfer is on the computer.  We'll be having a quiet day.

Bikini also had cold, icy weather.  Have not heard from her, but she tweeted that Brief made it in to work okay.  The kids have school break this week.

Have not heard from Nurse J yet this morning.  I hope she doesn't have to go out on any cases for work. 

Right now the sun is out and the wind is calm.  I see the bird feeder has been emptied and I should try to figure out how to get out there to fill it again!

Stay safe!
Taken from our back door

Monday, February 16, 2015

Snow in Virginia

Purely for background reasons, let me remind you all that Golfer and I grew up in Ohio, and over the course of our lives we lived four years in Germany and four years in Colorado.  Places where we used tire chains on the steep roads in the Winter or we had snow drifts ten feet tall from blizzards. We know about snow.  We know you have to be careful and prepare.

We have been in Virginia since 1979.

Here are two news "alerts" that we have received today:

"Flurries have started on the Peninsula; Governor to declare state of emergency at 3 p.m." (this one was sent at 2:56)

"TRAFFIC: Traffic stopped at Monitor-Merrimac northbound, HRBT westbound, snow on roads."  (to explain ---- Monitor-Merrimac is a bridge tunnel and HRBT means Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel.  These are two ways to get from one side of the water to another)

At this time it is snowing lovely large flakes and our yard is covered.  We are in for the night.  The chili is ready to dish up!

Stay safe and stay warm!


How cold is it, you ask.  It is so cold that Golfer now asks if we have errands to do just to get out of the house.  It is definitely not golf weather around  here!

It was 12 this morning when we got up.  Depending on which forecast you listen to, we are going to get 3" to 5",  4" to 6", or 6" to 10" of snow and ice starting later today.  Honestly, it does not matter.  Once there is snow on the roads around here, it gets nasty.  Most drivers think if they drive faster they will get out of it sooner.  You know that doesn't work.  And since we don't have large amounts of snowfall every Winter, Virginia just isn't equipped for heavy snow removal.

We went out earlier this morning and did a couple errands.  We saw that the major roads were already being treated with whatever it is they spray on them to melt ice in advance of build-up.  So now we are in and keeping warm.

We will catch up on our recorded programs and do some reading and maybe take a nap!  I'm going to go start a big pot of chili.

Stay safe and stay warm!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Just Because

Cutie Girl!

Just Hello

It's cold here.  Going to get colder.  We had a little bit of snow on Thursday and some of it is still hanging on to the grass.  We may have more snow and/or ice in the next few days.  I am ready for Spring!  I sympathize with the New England people.  They've really been hit with the bad weather.

But enough of that.  Golfer and I are doing okay.  It is definitely not proper weather for playing golf or doing anything outside.  So today we are knocking out a couple chores that needed doing around the house.  We just finished putting new covering on the bottom side of the ottoman.  The furry kids have been looking at it wondering where their hidey-hole has gone.  :)  Golfer has the coat of Kilz on the ceiling in the living room where we had a leak.  It will be ready to paint soon.

I have a pot of chicken simmering on the stove for some chicken and dumplings for dinner.

Life is good.  Stay safe!

Happy Valentine's Day!

I love you, Golfer!  XOXO

Monday, February 9, 2015

Something Else Off the To-Do List!

Cecil has been to the doctor!!!!!!

And here is how my day went.. . . . . .

Golfer went to play golf this morning.  Monday is not one of his regular days, but the weather was still supposed to be nice and in the 60's.  And the rest of the week does not look too good.  By next weekend the highs are supposed to be in the 20's and there's rain in the forecast during the week.  Definitely not golfing weather!

I did all the usual morning things that needed to be done and started the laundry.  Got all settled in with my coffee and paper and the "Today Show" and had a nice relaxing time.  Then I answered email and did a few other things.  And then I decided to practice going up and down the steps.  Here is where it gets interesting.

I knew Cecil was upstairs because I saw him go up earlier.  So I shut the bedroom door just in case he decided to run downstairs while I was on the steps.  Being the optimist that I am, I had a slight hope I might be able to get him.  I got to the top of the stairs and he did run down the steps.  So I went down the steps.  I looked for him in every room and did not see him.  I was standing the hallway and saw the bottom lining on the large ottoman was really sagging down.  I very quietly went out in the garage and got two large thick flattened cardboard boxes.  I used those to block the way upstairs by using the dining room chairs to hold them in place.

Then I tippy-toed down the hall and closed all the other doors.  Then I went out and flipped the ottoman up.  Streak of lightening and there he went!  We went a few rounds through the kitchen, dining room, living room and hall and eventually he thought he had hidden himself behind the entertainment center.  I will be totally honest, by that point I was really determined I was getting him.  But I could not reach him!  So I got one of my long-handled grabbers they give me in the hospital after surgeries.  I got the one with the rubber on the end so I wouldn't nick him or hurt him.  I pushed on his butt and acted like I was going to grab him and he finally moved just enough so I could get my hands on him.  Success!!!  And I put him straight into the carrier.

As soon as I calmed down  :)  I called the clinic and told them I was on the way.  Cecil has a reputation and they all know how hard it is for us to get him there.  They said come on!  So he is now legal.  Got his rabies shot and tag, had his check-up, and Dr. W gave him a good going over.  She just called with his bloodwork results and everything is fine.

His trauma did not end there.  When I got him home we went straight into the office and I closed the door and clipped his nails and combed him.   Then I just sat and hugged him a while.  So now we're good for a month at least.

The other furry kids were quite concerned during all this but we are all calmed down now and all is well.  Cecil even made eye contact with me at dinner time!

Unfortunately, Golfer didn't have a very good time.  The temperature never got out of the 40's and the golf round was not much fun.  But I think he might be relieved that I finally got Cecil in for his appointment!

Stay safe!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Some Seasonal Nostalgia

The "Today Show" had a bit about Valentine's crafts and I got to thinking about Valentine's Day many years ago. The way I understand how they handle Valentine's Day in the schools now is that our grandchildren have gotten lists with all the classmates names so they can do a card for everyone.  That way no one is left out.  That's nice.  I guess if they want to slip in a special card for someone, they can do that.  I don't know if they decorate "mailboxes" or not.

When I was a little girl, making the Valentine mailbox was a big deal.  It was a contest.  I don't remember what the prizes were.  We always started out with a plain shoe box. After that it was up to us.  Some were just painted red and hearts were pasted on.  Others had lace and bows and flowers.  It was always fun to see how pretty they were.  And always stressful wondering if you were going to get any Valentines.   In case any of you are totally oblivious, kids can be cruel sometimes.  But I don't remember there ever being a time when anyone did not receive any cards.  Looking back, I suspect that the teacher had a stash of cards in her desk for such occasions.  I remember we played games and had refreshments.  The kind of refreshments that now are not allowed into the schools. :)  Sugary cake and cookies, chocolate candy, squishy covered marshmallows......  Then we all took our boxes and cards home with our sugar highs.  Good times.

Then as we got older, there were special cards and candies and flowers from our special person.  Thank you, Golfer!  Love you!

Stay safe, people!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Woo Hoo! Another Step Towards "Normal"

BTW - "Normal" is a moving target around here!

But I got to go to the "Y" this afternoon and take the first steps towards getting back to my usual exercises!  Did some work on the machines I like to use and then spent some time in the pool.  Felt really good!  It all took a little longer than normal because three of my "Y friends" saw me and wanted to talk and had questions and say they were glad I was back.  That meant Golfer had to sit and wait for me a little bit because he was finished first, but he said it was okay.  :)

It's been really cold here yesterday and today, but no snow.  It's supposed to be in 50's and 60's this weekend and nice, so Golfer is really looking forward to getting out on the golf course.

We finally have Rico back home.  They didn't find anything wrong and didn't charge us anything.  Just have to be sure he gets driven frequently and not sit around motionless in the really cold weather I guess.

We still haven't gotten Cecil to the doctor.  In all honesty, I haven't tried too hard this week since we were operating with just one vehicle.  I will make a stronger attempt next week.  He has made eye contact with me a couple times.  :)

Stay safe!