Monday, February 16, 2015

Snow in Virginia

Purely for background reasons, let me remind you all that Golfer and I grew up in Ohio, and over the course of our lives we lived four years in Germany and four years in Colorado.  Places where we used tire chains on the steep roads in the Winter or we had snow drifts ten feet tall from blizzards. We know about snow.  We know you have to be careful and prepare.

We have been in Virginia since 1979.

Here are two news "alerts" that we have received today:

"Flurries have started on the Peninsula; Governor to declare state of emergency at 3 p.m." (this one was sent at 2:56)

"TRAFFIC: Traffic stopped at Monitor-Merrimac northbound, HRBT westbound, snow on roads."  (to explain ---- Monitor-Merrimac is a bridge tunnel and HRBT means Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel.  These are two ways to get from one side of the water to another)

At this time it is snowing lovely large flakes and our yard is covered.  We are in for the night.  The chili is ready to dish up!

Stay safe and stay warm!

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