And here is how my day went.. . . . . .

I did all the usual morning things that needed to be done and started the laundry. Got all settled in with my coffee and paper and the "Today Show" and had a nice relaxing time. Then I answered email and did a few other things. And then I decided to practice going up and down the steps. Here is where it gets interesting.
I knew Cecil was upstairs because I saw him go up earlier. So I shut the bedroom door just in case he decided to run downstairs while I was on the steps. Being the optimist that I am, I had a slight hope I might be able to get him. I got to the top of the stairs and he did run down the steps. So I went down the steps. I looked for him in every room and did not see him. I was standing the hallway and saw the bottom lining on the large ottoman was really sagging down. I very quietly went out in the garage and got two large thick flattened cardboard boxes. I used those to block the way upstairs by using the dining room chairs to hold them in place.
Then I tippy-toed down the hall and closed all the other doors. Then I went out and flipped the ottoman up. Streak of lightening and there he went! We went a few rounds through the kitchen, dining room, living room and hall and eventually he thought he had hidden himself behind the entertainment center. I will be totally honest, by that point I was really determined I was getting him. But I could not reach him! So I got one of my long-handled grabbers they give me in the hospital after surgeries. I got the one with the rubber on the end so I wouldn't nick him or hurt him. I pushed on his butt and acted like I was going to grab him and he finally moved just enough so I could get my hands on him. Success!!! And I put him straight into the carrier.
As soon as I calmed down :) I called the clinic and told them I was on the way. Cecil has a reputation and they all know how hard it is for us to get him there. They said come on! So he is now legal. Got his rabies shot and tag, had his check-up, and Dr. W gave him a good going over. She just called with his bloodwork results and everything is fine.
His trauma did not end there. When I got him home we went straight into the office and I closed the door and clipped his nails and combed him. Then I just sat and hugged him a while. So now we're good for a month at least.
The other furry kids were quite concerned during all this but we are all calmed down now and all is well. Cecil even made eye contact with me at dinner time!
Unfortunately, Golfer didn't have a very good time. The temperature never got out of the 40's and the golf round was not much fun. But I think he might be relieved that I finally got Cecil in for his appointment!
Stay safe!
1 comment:
Been there, done that! So embarrassing to make an appointment and then have to admit that you can't find/catch your own pet. My current 3 aren't too bad to catch. I lured Krissi with treats this morning, then shoved her into the carrier I hid in the half bath. Whew!
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