Thursday, May 2, 2024



Since it's been so long since I've posted, here is an update to the yard art picture.  One of the flowers was defective and I returned it and was sent another set of four. 

I hope everyone is well and keeping safe.  

There has been lots going on around here.  Les was hospitalized again for a couple days with another infection.  When discharged, a home nurse came to instruct me on how to give him the antibiotics through a PICC line.  Those antibiotics are all finished and he is now on oral ones, and the line is out.  He is doing better and regaining some strength.  Several doctor appointments have been scheduled and several tests are being done.  We would all like for these infections to stop happening.

This afternoon the new siding is supposed to be delivered and placed in our garage.  The work is supposed to start on Monday.  

We are waiting on an estimate from our neighbor's yard company.  We've decided that all the mowing, trimming, and edging is just too  much for us to do.  Our neighbor's guys do a good job and can just do ours at the same time.  We will get used to it.

We had a nice visit with Larry and Violet over the weekend.  They came to check on us and take some golf equipment back with them.   Their son and grandson can use some of it.

I've been trying to keep up with things and am trying to clean out some things, too.  There is always something that needs to be done.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good, even when challenging.

God Bless America!

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