Friday, November 18, 2016

Friday Already?????

Well!  There have been thoughts and possible posts running through my mind all week.  Fortunately, I have a pretty good editing system in there, too.  So often there are things I write, that I just do not post.  I am all for peace and quiet.

Anyway, it's been a good week.  A busy one, but good.  There were some hugs and cuddles while I watched Cutie Girl and Little Miss E for a while.  That was fun!  And the leaf raking and sweeping is in full swing here.  Golfer has mowed and also used our leaf sweeper.  I've done some clean-up in the mulched areas and some raking there.

I've kept up with all the usual things.  Also made trips to the "Y", done errands, and worked on Christmas preparations.  Thanksgiving preparations don't usually take place until the day before, except for the shopping for the food.  :)  But with Christmas, you know how it is.... planning, gift buying, cards, wrapping, decorating, etc.  I don't shop on "Black Friday" but the decorating will be in full force around here then.

Golfer and I went to see "Inferno".  I don't know what the critics were watching, but we thought it was a great movie.  There are some other good ones we want to see, too.

Our neighborhood has been busy and the street has been full of trucks.  There has been work being done at several of the homes.  Some days it has been very loud with mowers, and jack-hammers, and carpet cleaners, etc!  But we're good here for now.

I hope everyone is well and happy.  Enjoy the weekend and stay safe!

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