Sunday, November 20, 2016

Holy Crap, It Got Cold!

Yesterday it was sunny and got to 80.  A front came through last evening with some strong wind and this morning we were in the low 30's.  It isn't getting out of the 40's today and it is still windy.  Brrrrrr.

The winds are really bringing down the leaves.  Golfer cleaned up the yard yesterday when he returned home from playing golf.  Can't tell anything was done out there today.  Tomorrow is bulk pick-up day (every other Monday here where we are) and we have a lot of bags to set out.

Because of the drastic temperature change, Golfer decided to not play today.  We went out for breakfast and then came home to read the paper.  Just been doing odds and ends so far today.  But we need to bundle up and go out to take care of a dead limb on the large holly tree.  He wants to cut it and get it out for pick-up.

Last we heard from Bikini, all was well at her house.  Bloomer was signed up for her first 5K race in December!  Good luck!

Things are not so good at Nurse J's right now.  Nurse J has had some sinus or cold issues and not felt well.  IT Guy had surgery for kidney stones and is doing okay after that but now has ear infections.  And Cutie Girl was taken to Urgent Care with a temp of 103.  She also has bilateral ear infections and possible strep infection.  As of last message, BeyB and Little Miss E were okay.  Nurse J was bringing out the Lysol and spraying things down.  I offered to help with anything and she said to stay away from the germs.

I remembered to take the turkey out of the freezer today, so Thanksgiving dinner preparations have begun!  It will thaw in the fridge.

I was doing some desk work and taking care of some emails and had help.  Here was my view earlier:

Finnigan was helping!  Here is the rest of him:
Stay warm and stay safe!

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