Sunday, October 16, 2016

Another Project Finished

Hey, all!

The weather is beautiful right now.  Sunny, slight breeze and in the mid-70's.  The windows are open and the furry boys are happy!

Golfer has  a two day end-of-the-season tournament with one of his golf groups this weekend, so he is busy with that.  I've been busy doing odds and ends, reading a good book, doing some Christmas shopping, and finishing up some projects.  Oh!  And I can't forget to say that all three of the boys have been clipped and combed!  That is not always an easy project, but I feel good when it gets done.

The latest finish was the painting in the garage.  I had asked Golfer to put up some panels of wood across the front wall in the garage.  Over the years we sort of "mis-judged" the locations of parking with our vehicles.  There were a couple large dents in the front wall.  (some vehicles were a lot longer than others!)  So now the spots are all covered up and I have finished the painting.  Originally I was going to do red paint, but decided we would get tired of that.  So, since the concrete block lower part of the wall needed to be repainted, I just did it all in gray.  Looks a lot better now!

I finished up the job by mopping the floor and now it's all cleaned up out there.

For now, there are no more "extra" chores to add to the usual daily ones.  That means more time to read.  Also time to start on all our Christmas things, like our letter, the cards, and shopping!

Stay safe!

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