Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone has a happy, safe day!

We are good here; been busy.  We had to have the A/C on again for a couple days in the 80's.  It's off again now, and only going to get into the low 60's today.  (maybe)  It's cloudy and breezy.

We were up a little earlier than usual this morning.  We had Little Miss E with us this morning while Nurse J and IT Guy took Cutie Girl to the hospital for her surgery.  It went well and they are now all home.  There will be follow up appointments and we're all hoping this corrects her eye issues.

Little Miss E was very good for us, just a happy baby.  She only fussed when she was hungry and then she took about a two hour nap.  So the play and cuddle time was a bit limited.  :)  BeyB has morning classes, in case you are wondering where she was during all this.

Since we knew Cutie Girl would need some quiet time to recuperate, going trick-or-treating this evening was out.  So we all went to a Trunk-or-Treat event at a local church Saturday evening.  The weather was beautiful, the people there were very nice and the girls had a nice time.  Cutie Girl said thank you every time she received a piece of candy and Little Miss E slept through the whole affair in her stroller.  I think she was exhausted from being wrestled into  her costume.  :)

The bashful little princess
The little ice cream cone - with sprinkles
The yard work is under control, although our large holly tree needs just a little attention.  Golfer mowed, I did a walk-around and a little clean up.  The household chores are pretty well caught up and errands have been done.  We'll be heading to the "Y" this afternoon I think.  And then catching up on some recorded shows on the DVR.  We've been watching the World Series - stressful, but good!  Go Tribe!

Stay safe!

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