Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Got to "Nip It In the Bud"!

Once again a lot of us are asking, "what the heck is wrong with people?".  All over the country there were fights in malls yesterday.  There were three fights at the mall close to us.  Police were called and the fights were broken up, but no arrests made because no one was seriously injured and there was no property damage.  But still... really?????? If this is a new trend or tradition getting started, STOP IT!

If these fights are because people are just worn out by the holidays with the company, cards, cooking, gift buying, decorating and so on, take a deep breath, take a walk, read a book, take a nap and get over yourself!  If you're fighting because you are mad that you didn't like a gift and had to go return it... GET OVER YOURSELF!

This is supposed to be a time of peace and joy, not fist fights and hair pulling and property damage.

I have to ask, since mostly the fights are among young people and teens, where are your parents and why haven't they tried to teach you how to act??

Shame, shame on you, fighters.

The rest of you, stay safe!

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