This was a long one. Kirk, the tile man, came early in the morning. Unloaded his truck and then left to go get more materials. He installed the durock (sp?), the special wall board that goes in the shower area. Then he started on the floor. The bathroom now has a total new cement floor. I have to say, the whole process of putting down the new floor was extremely dusty and messy. There is a film of dust everywhere. In the midst of this, Kirk took a break while the cabinet guys brought in the new cabinets. They are beautiful! We're told that now that they are in, someone will come soon to make the template for the counter-top. After the cabinet guys were done, Kirk got back to work and stayed until around 5:00 p.m. He will be back Tuesday morning to do more. Scott also came during the day to check on things.
The picture of the cabinets does not do them justice. At the moment they are coated in dust. There is also a matching small cabinet that will hang on the wall between the mirrors over the sinks. It won't go up until painting is finished though.
Golfer took the day off to catch up on his "to-do" list. After he finished the yard work, he tackled the new shed doors he has been working on. I think they turned out great! They will be coated with a wood protectant and after that sets in they'll be painted.

I spent the day doing odds and ends around the house. I cleaned out some files and drawers in our office and shredded a couple bags of papers.
We had a small, annoying, irritating glitch over the weekend. We received two letters from the ARB (architectural review board) of our community saying the porta-potty had to be moved. I had gone to their office in May and made sure everything was in order, looked up regulations, etc. So I knew we were okay with it; but still - two letters in one day! Needless to say, I was ticked off! I promptly composed a two page letter that I took to their office and dropped into their mail slot on Sunday. I also talked with our neighborhood board chairman and enlisted his help. I made sure to quote the regulation page number, item and section designation in my response, and indicated that we had followed the instructions. We have already received a response from them saying "okay, it's all right!" Most of the time, having an ARB is just fine, we have no problems with the regulations. But every once in a while, there's a gung-ho inspector who likes to "throw their weight around" and they get down-right picky about some things and ignore others!
After some heavy-duty clean-up, it was time to order pizza! And after that I went to the office and checked on things. I brought a couple projects home to work on here.

FedEx brought this for golfer! A new club cover!
Onward we go! More later.
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