Today was a dusty one. Wes came early with some new tools. He covered the opening to the bathroom with plastic. There was sanding and plastering and texturing. The texturing is actually on the bedroom wall right by the new doorway.
It did not take all that long for Wes to do his work. After a call to Scott, I was told there was nothing else scheduled for today, so I started up the vacuum and got the dust cloth out again and got busy. Then it was off to do errands and go to work and then to the pool.
The plastic covering the doorway is very worrisome for the kitties. When the A/C come on or goes off or someone opens a door the thing moves like it's breathing. When I finally let them in the bedroom this afternoon they all ran in there and skidded to a stop and fluffed up! The improvised cover we rigged up to keep them out of the bathroom works pretty well. They can't go in there because there is still exposed insulation and "stuff" loose in there.
Hermione and Cinder are getting into the routine every morning of going to the "safe room". This is a picture of what Cecil has been doing lately. That's his fur sticking out from under the loveseat in the living room. He usually stays there until he hears me getting the vacuum out.
In other news, I've been doing some odds and ends around the house while I'm here with the workers. One completed job is some updated landscaping out front. The screen door is usually not propped open, but the guys were carrying things in and out. I did not take any pictur
es of the drawers and cabinets I've been cleaning out. Use your imaginations on that!

More later....
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