Today was a long one. The plumber showed up about 8:00 a.m. Put down the tarps, carried in tools, and got busy. He had to turn the water off for most of the day, but he gave me warning and I filled a couple containers and everything worked out fine. He took about a half hour lunch break and worked until about 4:00. He said he will be back early in the morning to finish up before the tile man comes at 9:00. Here's a picture of some of what was accomplished today.
There was more done on the other (sink side) too.
Scott came by to check on things and while here called the tile man to confirm he's coming tomorrow to put down the concrete and "pitch the floor" to the new drain.
Someone came today and cleaned the porta-potty, too.

And Habitat for Humanity folks came to pick up the donated items for ReStore.
I did important things like desk work, wrote letters and email, balanced the checkbook, swept out the garage after the pick up, and cooked dinner. After dinner I went to the office and worked a while.
Here's a picture of the toilet area. It is, for now, the gathering place for tools and trash!
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