Another busy day; and it turned out to be a longer one than I was expecting. But a lot was done, so that's fine!
Wes, the drywall man, came early and brought along Rico. They carried all the drywall boards in and then Wes had to leave for a short bit. Rico put the boards up; there was lots of hammering and noise. Wes came back and they continued to work. When Rico had his part done, he left. Wes applied the tape and mud. We now have a ceiling! However, on the other hand, there is no longer a door on the bathroom. It had to be removed for the drywall work.
So I've been trying to figure out all day how to handle this with the kitties. It upsets them to be closed into a room, but it upsets them more to be locked out of a room. The only way to keep
them out of the bathroom is to keep them out of the bedroom also. And they like the bedroom! But I think I have it figured out and when Golfer gets home I will enlist his help. I'll let you know how it goes.

When Wes had gone, and I had done some cleaning up, I went out to do some errands and to go to the office and do a little work. It's been a long day and I think it's a pizza night!
The picture are of the new ceiling and new walls. Different colors of drywall for different areas. Rico joked and told me I had to paint the bathroom that green color. I told him I didn't think so! The area with no drywall gets something special for the shower area and that's where tile will be.
Days twelve and thirteen are weekend! (thank goodness!)
Happy Birthday Bikini!
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