Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Day Thirty
Day Twenty-Nine

Monday, July 28, 2008
Day Twenty-Eight
Friday, July 25, 2008
Day Twenty-Five

Another row of the large tile goes over the accent strip and then a row of a more narrow "bull' nose" on top of that. You can almost see the small corner shelves behind the date stamp!
The lighting in there will be better once we have the fixtures finished and the correct bulbs installed. Sorry about the color quality. It really is beautiful.
More later! Onward!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Day Twenty-Four
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Day Twenty-Three
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Day Twenty-Two

Day Twenty-One

I spent the day doing odds and ends around the house. I cleaned out some files and drawers in our office and shredded a couple bags of papers.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Day Seventeen
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Day Sixteen

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Day Fifteen
Chris came and went up into the attic and moved all the insulation back in place.
After they left, I did some cleaning-up and got ready to go for a swim and then go to work. Scott will be contacting us about scheduling for the rest of the week.
More tomorrow. . . . . . . . . .
Monday, July 14, 2008
Day Fourteen
Friday, July 11, 2008
Day Eleven

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Day Ten

Day Nine

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Day Eight

Monday, July 7, 2008
End of Day Seven
That green can is evidently weighing down the new drain set-up. It smells strongly of massive adhesive in there. And yes, that is mud, which, unfortunately managed to move around the house causing a major clean-up after the plumbers departed.
Obviously, they are not finished in there. Which will change the schedule for the tile man who was supposed to be coming in tomorrow to prep the shower floor and get the pitch right for the draining of water. As the plumbers were getting into their vehicles, I asked "how is it going?" and they said they will be back in the morning and work all day on the rest of the tasks.
So, I called Scott, and let him know, so he could let Kirk, the tile man know and they can work out scheduling. I am sure I will be hearing from Scott early in the morning to let us know what's going to happen.
After cleaning up and talking to the furry kids, I went out and did a few errands. Supper was Chic-Fil-A salads and some fruit. I am ready to call it a night. Tomorrow is another day!
Day Seven
Thursday, July 3, 2008
More of Day Three

That's the light/vent on the left and some of the support beam on the right.
Beginning of Day Three

Had a small glitch in the guys finishing up for the day when I saw the wrong sized door had arrived. so when they took it away and cleaned up, we were left with this. It worked very well in keeping the heat from pouring down from the open attic space into our bedroom. It also kept the kitties out of the torn up space. Although they did try to get some of the nails out!
So far this morning I have had discussion and decision making with the electrician, the tile man, the site supervisor, and our other workers. There is concern by the electricians about making sure all the outlets are at the same height around the sink. And position of the lighting. And with the tile man, placement, sizes, grout color, glass wall stability, etc.So for now, I'm staying out of the way! More to follow!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Later on Day Two
They have removed the ceiling and you can see right up to the roof. It’s very warm in there now. They borrowed a rake to move around the insulation up in the attic, and said they will put it back when the new ceiling is in. The site supervisor came back. He brought the electrician. We went over all the details. I approved a new combination fan/light that they said would be better and will run on two switches. I told them I absolutely did not want the fan on with the light all the time. New thing will have better venting, be quieter. I confirmed the location of all the light fixtures, outlet placements and switch plates.
Then the plumber came. We had a mini crisis when it was discovered the new fixtures will require ¾” lines and the existing are ½”. (BTW – my anxiety attack yesterday was very very short and has not reappeared, and I don’t expect it to!) There were calls to Ferguson, the plumbing and fixture supply place. We would have to pick out new fixtures…. Our order is already set for delivery today, so returns, new selections, etc. etc. Then, after poking a hole in the only wall left with what has to be the world’s largest crowbar, the plumber found out there are ¾” lines running from the sink wall, so he’s going to run them up and over. That also eliminates the problem of what to do with those current ½” lines that are coming up out of the floor in the wrong position that they were worried about. So, crisis averted.

This is a picture of the growing pile for Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore. You can't see the huge mirror, or the medicine cabinet, faucets, etc.
Still haven’t seen Cecil, but he is not under our bed any longer! Hermione and Cinder are plotting a way to break down the door and get out to “help”! I just tossed a handful of catnip laced toys in with them.
More later!
Day Two