Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Just Saying Hi!

So.  As you know we just spent a lot of time out West, seeing the sights, enjoying our beautiful country, and looking for wildlife, among other things.  We were up early this morning, Les has early tee times during the week.  By 6:30 a.m. I had already seen squirrels, bunnies, birds, and this guy.  He is a good looking young one.

He was having a little trouble getting his bedtime snack before heading to his home.  :)

He sat on the fence for quite a while and just watched the window.  Angus was sitting watching him, too.

I also had an encounter with a very large Cicada.  We rarely see them out, but I guess he hadn't gone to bed yet either.  I was taking the trash out - it's pick-up day - and he was motionless on the driveway.  I thought he was probably dead.  Just as I was walking past him, the buzzing and flapping started and he flew right up at me!  By the time I got the stuff in the dumpsters, he was gone.  But geez!

We've been busy catching up on everything.  As soon as I finish up here I'm heading out to clean the porch and work on the windows.  We just got new light-weight hoses and I'm all set to go with the exterior Windex.  When I get the porch all clean I can think about what flowers to get for the porch pots.  I didn't get anything earlier because I didn't want Lisa or Jordan to have to keep them alive and worry about them while they were taking care of the furry boys and the house.

Life is good!  Stay safe!  And God Bless America!

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