Monday, July 17, 2017

Day Twenty

Today was a long day on the road.  The rest of the trip will have shorter driving days.  We had breakfast at a Mexican burrito place.  I got mine with just the eggs and bacon and asked them to leave everything else off.  It was pretty good.  :) Then we got Starbucks coffee and got on the road.

It was a long day seeing beautiful country and wide open spaces and big sky.  New Mexico looked like this:

Then we were into Texas and it looked like this:

A wind ranch!  It went on for miles and miles.  There must have been thousands of the turbines.

Then we got into Oklahoma and now we are all settled into the lodging at Tinker AFB.  Tomorrow we head to Little Rock AFB in Arkansas.

We had dinner at a place called Garage Burgers and Beer.  Had really good burgers and hand cut fries. 

I haven't had an opportunity to get more postcards along the way, so here are some things I've seen along the road that have made us smile.

From billboards:

"Stay at Tipi Stay, for the adventurous".  It was actual tipis.

"Shop at the Whoa 'n Go!"

"Hungry?  Stop at the Gas and Grub Delicatessen". That sounds ominous.

From Colorado, the sign for a small store, "The Dab and Doobie". (we did not stop there)

"Speed limits are not suggestions"

In the Amarillo area a sign advertising "Real, Amish made leather belts". I thought we were about as far away from Amish Country as possible.  :)

Somewhere in an early state, a sign saying, "Correctional facility ahead.  Do not pick up hitchhikers".
And today we saw, "Hitchhikers may be escaping inmates".  Maybe there needs to be some overhaul in the correctional system if that many are escaping and hitchhiking away.

And this really made me smile!  I want a mailbox like this!  But I doubt I can get the approval from the Kiln Creek ARB.  This was in Texas.

Stay safe and God Bless America!

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