Saturday, July 15, 2017

Day Eighteen

Today has been a rest and catch up day.  Golfer had wanted to play golf here at Peterson AFB, but that was not to be. Tournaments were going on and weather was happening.  Laundry needed to be done and that took the better part of the morning.  So we've been reading, resting a little, and taking it easy.

The rodeo last night was one more thing that was a little disappointing.  It had been raining all afternoon and into the evening.  Do you all know how totally muddy everything gets at a rodeo when there's two inches of rain coming down???  Once we slogged through the wet nastiness and got seated we were under the roof and weren't getting rained on, but I sure felt sorry for the animals in all that muck.  We left before it was over and stopped at a Wendy's for a sandwich before coming back to our suite.

We've decided that perhaps we planned one day too many for here.  Like I've said in a previous post, sometimes it is better to remember things the way they were instead of trying to experience them again now.

I think we're going out for steak tonight.  Our favorite steak restaurant, Three Thieves, is no longer here.  We've know that, it closed long ago.  And the Flying W steakhouse and the chuck wagon dinners are gone, too, since the bad fires a few years ago.

Tomorrow morning we will head out for New Mexico and we'll be at Kirtland AFB for the night.  I will let you know what we find there.

I shall close with a charming sign from Sandy's restaurant where we had breakfast yesterday morning. :)

Stay safe and God Bless America!

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