And as cute as this is, there is some truth in what the kitty says.
Take care, stay safe, and be kind. Life is still good.
And as cute as this is, there is some truth in what the kitty says.
Take care, stay safe, and be kind. Life is still good.
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and safe holiday!
Before leaving on their Christmas trip, Jacquie and Jordan snuck over one evening in the dark and put the Christmas gnome on our porch. Thank you! He has joined Willa, that Pam sent a couple months ago.
Les and I are okayish. It was 19 degrees this morning and the sun is out. I have no plans for any outside work today.
I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Life is still good. Be kind. And God Bless America!
Les has had several doctor appointments, one of those was up at UVA. They just wanted to check him again. And there was a dermatology biopsy that was negative. So basically, nothing new, just taking care of things.
The last I posted I said it was cold. It was! Then it warmed up into the low-70's for a few days. And now it is COLD. I'm not sure it got above 30 today. If it's going to snow here, it needs to get on with it. On December 26th, I am always ready for warm Spring weather! That hardly ever happens, but I can dream. My joints just don't like the cold.
I've just been taking care of things, doing some baking, doing errands, shopping for January family events. Trying to keep up with whatever needs doing around the house and the yard. Our guys are going to have to come at least one more time for leaf cleanup. Our leaves are finally down, as well as the neighbor's pin oak leaves that seem to fall into our yard.
Les' Dad made the Santa years ago for us. He has come out every Christmas and is a favorite.
Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Be kind. And God Bless America!
It's still cold here. The wind chill this morning when I got up was 17. Yesterday's high gusty wind blew some of the outside decorations around. Those are all fixed up now. As I write this it is up to 32 and I think that is it for the day's weather. BRRRR!
I spent time at Best Buy this morning getting a new protective screen for my phone. I had tried Verizon first a couple days ago, but none of their stores had any or could help. Nice young Geek Squad man helped me this morning, so all is good now. There were a couple other things I wanted to check out while there, but I discovered Best Buy is severely low staffed and I gave up for now.
I hope to get some cookies made this weekend. I have all the supplies, just need to have time to do it.
Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Be kind. And God Bless America!
Here is the living room.
Pictures can tell some of what I've been doing. But here is a short rundown of the last few days.
Thanksgiving was nice. We had a nice dinner and visit. Jacquie and Jordan came on Friday and helped move our Christmas trees out of the closet and get them set up. I told everyone I would decorate them this weekend. And here are some pictures of what I've been working on.
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I took the picture before I had the new red bows I made on the posts. You can see Willa has a good seat there. |
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Quackers is all ready for Christmas, too. |
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The cardinals are some of our older decorations. The short one was my Mom's. |
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The far back of the yard needed something, so these guys have a new spot. I can see them from my recliner. 😊 |
I'm posting this for Les. 💕 A favorite restaurant has little silverware wrappers. I liked this one! It sums things up.
It's been cool and windy here. Right now it is sunny and in the 60's. Our guys came Friday evening to remove leaves and mow. The yard is looking pretty good. And there are still plenty of leaves on the trees.
The new dishwasher is a learning experience. I know I can do it, and am figuring things out.
Jacquie brought our turkey over this afternoon so it can thaw out. She has a large freezer, so when I find one I like, it goes to her for a while. She says they are doing okay at her house. She also took a couple things we don't need any longer and will find new homes for them. We had a nice visit.
There are a couple appointments this coming week. I have a hair one, and the sprinkler system guy will be here on Wednesday to shut down the system for the Winter. And, of course, once Thanksgiving has passed, the decorating for Christmas will begin! 🎄
FYI, we are at a stage of life where we have a spreadsheet list of "guys" to call. 😊
Take care of yourselves. Be kind. And God Bless America!
Time just flies by, some of it good, some not so. But I'll start with the good.
Pam came to stay with us for a couple days. It was great to have her here. We had a nice visit. Jacquie came over one of the days and we did some cleaning out of things in the garage, and they tackled a couple other chores around here for us. And we appreciate them both for doing it!
Then on to getting a new dishwasher. While Pam was replacing a screw on the bottom front plate of the dishwasher, she discovered there was water under it. It had not run out on the floor, so we had no idea there was a leak. I got a repairman scheduled and he checked it all out and gave us the estimate for replacing a couple large parts. He was very hesitant to tell us the price and he offered suggestions. We went to Lowes that afternoon and bought a new dishwasher instead of doing the expensive repairs. It was delivered and installed yesterday. I intend to use it for the first time this evening.
And I also scheduled a plumber to come fix one of the toilets that was flushing all wonky. That is now fixed, too.
I've been working on washing windows, and doing some touch up painting, errands, getting supplies for Thanksgiving, finishing the Christmas shopping, and working on the cards. It seems like every time I cross something off the "To-Do" list, I also write something else on it. 😊
But life is still good. Take care of yourselves. Be gentle and be kind. And God Bless America.
In case anyone is wondering, I do not decorate with lovely colored dried corn. I would like to, but I got tired of going around the yard and putting it back after the squirrels carried the ears around and had snacks. They just couldn't wait until after Thanksgiving when I cleaned things up. 😊 I guess they knew I was going to give it to them anyway and leave it by the bird feeder for them.
I have put away other yard art that we have, but have not put out the Christmas things. As you can see in this picture, leaves are falling down. There are trees in our area with pretty leaf colors. In our yard, they are a dried yellowish brown and falling down or they are still green.
I have also painted the garage step, the front door step, and the board under the back door. And I finally worked up the courage to patch the garage floor coating where a small area had worn off. So far, so good on that!
My body clock has not adjusted to time change yet, and I've been awake around 5:00 a.m. This morning I was at the laundromat at 7:00 a.m. when they opened to wash our king size Anniversary quilt that Pam made. Our washer just does not handle that well, so I go wash it and bring it home to dry. It is all done now and carefully put away until January. The Christmas quilt and pillow covers are on the bed now.
Les and I are doing okayish. Life is still good. Take care of yourselves.
And God Bless America!
Thank you, God. I really am blessed.
I don't have really clear memories of the accident, but I am very grateful to be here. I am also grateful that baby Jordan was not still in the car with me. And while I am talking about gratitude, I need to mention the talented EMTs and the helicopter pilot who rescued me when that eighteen-wheeler crushed my car and shut down the Interstate.
Over the last few years, it seems like we have had a lot of doctors' appointments. At one of those appointments, I was sitting in the waiting room with another lady who was also waiting on her husband while tests were being done. She started up a conversation that led to how we try to care for those we love. And then she told some of her history. In the course of the conversation of life events, I told her about the accident. And right away she looked at me and said "And now, you know why God saved you then; to be here to help your husband." I usually do not question God, and maybe that is the reason I am here, and I am trying. I wish there was more I could do.
But for now, life goes on, I am grateful to be here. There is hardly a day that I don't ache or hurt somewhere, and family still occasionally jokes about the flat spot on my head from the concussion and fracture. And then we all laugh. I believe if I don't keep moving, I won't be able to, so here I am.
Life is good, appreciate it. Take care of yourselves.
I hope everyone is well and taking care of themselves!
We have had some cooler weather. I can now sit in the evenings and share my quilt with Finnigan. 😊
Our HVAC system had its Fall checkup last week and all is well and working fine. And now today it is 74 degrees and sunny.
I have done some cleaning and other household chores. Also did a bunch of yard work. I had to wait until the grass was mowed and our guys came last week to mow and trim. There is still more yard cleanup to do, but I got a lot done on Saturday. Mostly just cleanup of "stuff" and weeding.
Today our TLX went to Acura for some recall work and might be there several days. I also had my eye appointment. All good, but there is a slight change in my vision in my left eye. My doctor told me I could have a prescription for bifocals if I wanted to go back to wearing glasses. I opted to wait on that and he said to let him know.
I've done a little Christmas shopping online and at least have a start with that. 🎄
Les is doing alright, nothing new.
Stay safe. Life is still good. And God Bless America!
Yesterday afternoon I was taking a break, sitting and reading. Les was on the computer. Finnigan was napping. I heard a tapping noise and took a look around. This is what I saw at the back door.
So, of course, I grabbed my phone and started taking pictures. The lovely turkey stayed in our yard for quite a while.
She spent some time on both sides of our fence, sitting up there and walking along the top sides of the fence. And there was a lot of walking and pecking around in the yard. I think she was eating the little acorns all over our yard from our neighbor's tree. I hope she is safe somewhere now. There was no sign of her this morning.
Stay safe. Life is still good. God Bless America!
I've been trying to keep up with things while dealing with Shingles. Chicken Pox was the only childhood disease that I had. When Jacquie was a baby and getting her vaccinations, I had to get them all, too. Anyway, that virus that causes Chicken Pox also causes Shingles and that virus stays in our bodies forever. I had a case of Shingles years ago, before a vaccine was available. It was not great.
When Shingrix became available, Les and I got that vaccine. I was diagnosed last Monday with Shingles again. Prescribed an Anti-viral medication, and told to be careful and take care of myself. Just so you are aware, stress can activate the virus and cause Shingles.
This second time was not as bad. I had red spots, but not the nasty Chicken Pox-like-blisters. I did have some short bursts of pulsing pain, but they were quick and didn't last. So I can confirm that the Shingrix vaccine works, and the Anti-viral meds definitely help. I am doing much better.
I was just out doing a little yard clean up. We've stayed off of it since the aeration and seeding. The guys are supposed to start mowing again this week. And there were some bits that needed to be picked up. Mostly those bits were clusters of acorns and leaves from our neighbor's pin oak tree, and some other branches that had fallen on shrubs and in the grass.
We've had some windy days here in advance of the rainy weather we are now having. I took this picture a couple days ago. Our neighbor has a huge pin oak tree that drops clusters of little acorns into our yard every time there is a breeze. The other day it dropped many. And this little squirrel helped do cleanup, with Finnigan supervising.
Finnigan needed a new distraction. He misses Angus as much as we do. Finn has been pretty clingy, but he is doing okay. Les and I are doing a little better. We really miss Angus but we know he isn't in pain any longer. We also know that the doctors did everything they could for him.
Having said all that, there were a couple rough weeks here what with Les in the hospital, going to follow-up appointments and other appointments, then saying good-bye to Angus. But we are doing okay. We got our Covid boosters and will get our flu vaccines next week.
We needed to get our yard ready for aeration and seeding, etc. and had to mark all the sprinkler heads. Les stayed by the control panel and turned each zone on one at a time. I went around and stuck the flags in. Then came in a showered and dried off. Needless to say, this is a wet job! We had bits and pieces picked up and all was ready. Then the wind and rain started. We have no idea when this week the guys are coming to do the work. But it's as ready as it is going to get.
Please take care of yourselves and stay safe. Life is still good. God Bless America!
After all the cleaning that I did after our new siding work was finished, I had told myself I would not be doing "Fall cleaning" this year. I was wrong. There were things that just simply needed to be worked on and cleaned. So, I have been scrubbing, cleaning, and doing all sorts of chores and jobs around here. There are still a couple smaller jobs to do, but for the most part, the big stuff is all done.
And then it will be on to work in the yard. I've kept up with that pretty well, but there are a few things that I'd like to get done before the Fall aeration and seeding. When that is done, we should try to stay off of the grass while the seeds sprout and grow, so I don't want to be out there messing things up. We still have a broken limb that is hanging down on our Ash tree. Every morning when I look out, I expect it to be down and ready to be cleaned up. But so far, it is just hanging on.
Next weekend I will be getting out the ceramic pumpkins - not jack-o-lanterns - and our other Fall decorations. I am ready to do that! I enjoy them and they make me happy. And.... Fall colors were always some of my Mom's favorites; all the browns, and oranges, and yellows. So there's some happy memories with the decorations.
I took this picture the other evening of a beautiful evening sky.
School starts tomorrow for our two youngest granddaughters. This is the first year they will be in different schools as C starts Middle School, and E will be in third grade. Please plan your driving times and remember to stop for the busses. Watch for all the children who will be either excited or unsure of where they should go. I hope everyone has a great first day!
E made this picture for a calendar that she made for us and it is the perfect picture for the this post! 💕
Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Life is still good. And God Bless America!
I had my annual Dermatology checkup this morning. When I parked the car, this is what greeted me.
Finnigan was enjoying a post breakfast bath.
I hope everyone is doing well. Les and I are okayish.
The weather is a bit nicer here right now and not quite so hot. Things are still blooming in the yard. I noticed this morning that the Liriope just started to bloom. The Geraniums are still pretty and there are some Azaleas blooming.
Around now is when I usually start to think about starting Christmas shopping. I can't get motivated about that this year, but I am looking forward to getting out our Fall decorations. First part of September I will be working on those. Please note that I said "Fall", not "Halloween" decorations. 😀 The Today Show had a large report this morning on how it is now "Augtober" and so many folks are decorating for Halloween already and having special parties. They also mentioned Pumpkin Spice is now available in many places. So if you like that, enjoy! I will not be having any, tried it once and that was enough.
We've had several appointments recently and so far, so good. There's a couple more next week, too. And our painter guy, Jeff, should be coming in the next couple days to paint our garage door for us.
Take care of yourselves. Life is still good. And God Bless America!
Mom was a strong, capable, hard-working lady. Someone took this picture of her way before I came along. But it shows how she just got things done. It was going to be chicken dinner that day. I never saw her with an ax, but I totally believe this. She did teach me to shoot a gun. And she made sure I could ride a horse. I have no idea who that friend was that had a farm with horses, but she made sure I could do it. I can gladly tell you I have never had an urgent need to jump on a horse and take off. And honestly, that is totally out of the question now.
I was raised to just put on a smile and get to it when something had to be done, or gotten through. I admit that the full force of this came to me later rather than sooner. But I've always known it and done my best. I hope she knows I am still trying and that I miss her. Sending up love, Mom.........and trying to smile. 💕
I looked out the back door and saw this little guy on the door mat yesterday. First one I've seen with such a bright blue tail! Later I saw the one that lives under the front step, but didn't have my phone with me to take a picture. He has stripes and is bigger.
We had some strong wind last evening, and the power briefly went out. We didn't get any rain right here in our area, but some areas got a lot. I had to go out and do more yard cleanup this morning. Branches and bits were blown down. Furniture and small tables moved around. It's all cleaned up now, but I was not planning to be doing yard work today! It's hot and humid, and right now the heat index is 103.
Speaking of weather....we're watching to see what tropical storm/potential hurricane Debby is going to do. Looks like Florida is going to get hit with her. Then we'll see where she is headed.
Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Life is still good. And God Bless America!
I took this picture a couple days ago. We had had rain for several days and it was dry when we got up that morning. I went to Starbucks and got us coffee and muffins. I thought the sky was pretty, so while stopped at the red light I took the picture.
We're okayish and I am trying to keep up with things. We had an even bigger limb fall down from one of our other trees. That required cleanup as soon as it was dry enough to be out there working. Jacquie and Jordan came a couple days later and hauled the big pieces and bags of "stuff" to the dump.
I spent another morning trimming the shrubs in front of the porch. Also did a little other pruning and tidying up. Looks better now. I will post a picture later in another post.
I go for lab work tomorrow morning. Since I have to fast for it, I will stop at Starbucks on the way home. Les goes for his lab work Thursday morning. We both see our doctor next week for annual visits.
Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Life is still good. God Bless America!
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Things are calmer here today. It's still hot and humid, but we've had some rain. It's been in the forecasts quite often but has been missing us most of the time. The last several days we've gotten a couple inches. The plants and shrubs are looking a bit "happier". The sprinkler system has been running as scheduled, but it can only do so much, it's just not the same as rain.
Angus and Finnigan are both doing better. Finnigan is having no problems with me putting his medicine in his food in the mornings. Angus has been on daily steroids and has been doing better and eating well. Their doctor called me yesterday and Angus is now going to be given the steroids every other day and I'll let her know how that does for him.
I've been trying to keep up with things and doing some little "odds and ends" jobs. You know, the kind of little things that don't take long, but keep getting put off. The bigger jobs on my list are waiting until it's cooler and until some other things are moved.
I had not planned to do yard work today. Remember we had a tree taken down a couple weeks ago? A couple days after that I had noticed a bare branch from that tree hanging on one of our other trees. Just stuck there. It came down last night. It was much bigger than I had thought. It landed on the Hydrangeas and bird feeder. And all sorts of little bits of it had broken off. After breakfast, I decided to get out there and pick stuff up before it got hotter and before the predicted rain gets here this afternoon. I now have two large bags of stuff and a large limb I couldn't break up. (I had cut off all the smaller parts of the limb and bagged them) While I was out, I pulled a couple weeds and did a bit of pruning, too.
I am now inside, showered and shampooed. The heat index is up to 99 and rising. I have no other outside plans for the day!
Tomorrow Les has the other part of his MRIs. There was a mix-up with the paperwork and he had one MRI last Saturday. The other is tomorrow. It's probably a good thing that happened, since for the two of the MRIs to be done would have been a pretty long time for him to be in the machine........even if it is an open one.
Take care of yourselves and stay safe. Life is still good. And God Bless America!
It's been a while since I've posted. Lots going on and I've been exhausted. Here is the run down.
On July 3rd our air conditioner stopped working. The day before a holiday and when the temperatures are near 100 is not a good time for that. I called right away and the service call was scheduled for the 5th. He got here late in the day, and he got it fixed. We have an annual contract and the man who came was the one who had just done the check-up a couple months ago, so he knew our system. It was terribly hot and uncomfortable, but cooled off enough at night so we did get some rest. We had all the ceiling fans on and the windows open. I adjusted window treatments according to where the sun was shining in. We survived and the system is working fine.
In my previous post I mentioned Finnigan going in for testing. He has been diagnosed with kidney disease. He has daily medicine I mix into his food in the mornings. We have to monitor their meal because Angus is not supposed to have any of the medicine. While we are adjusting to this, Angus became ill and I had to take him in for tests and to receive fluids. That was three days in a row. He was given a couple injections of antibiotic and steroid and is doing better than he was. The tests showed inflammation, but so far no idea of the cause or exactly what.
I had also mentioned that the sprinkler system tech was coming; he did. And when he checked the system, that sprinkler head that had been hidden worked just fine. He told me I did a good job finding it and loosening it!
Les saw his Neurologist and she has ordered another MRI. That is in the process of getting scheduled.
I have had a very itchy rash. It reminds me of one that I had years ago when Les was being sent to Thailand for a year. My doctor said that was from stress. I figure this time it is either stress or from the extreme heat. 😊 It is slowly getting better.
Our weather is still extremely hot. The forecast for the week calls for heat indexes of up to 111 degrees. It has rained some but seems to miss our area quite often. We have gotten some, but could use more. Needless to say, I am not going out to do any yard work when it is this hot.
While the A/C was out and the windows open, and before they started feeling bad, Angus and Finnigan enjoyed having open windows where they could sit and watch the birds and squirrels.