Tuesday, July 30, 2024

How I Spent Last Saturday Morning


I should have taken a "before" picture, but honestly, I didn't think of that.  But here are the pictures of the finished clean-up, trimming, and pruning work.  I think it looks a lot better.

Les and I are okayish here.  There is a chance of rain almost every day for the next week or so.  The temperature is rising and the reports say heat indexes of 100 or more again.  So I can tell you now that the rest of the backyard work won't be getting done for a bit.

This morning was my first visit to the lab at our new doctor's office.  It was the best lab visit I've ever had!  I was told to check in at 8:00 and was there a few minutes before.  The nice receptionist got me checked in and asked if I knew the way to the lab.  I told her it was my first time there.  She came around the desk and took me back.  The tech was working on one patient when I got there, and I was soon called back.  Very nice tech!  and very good!  I thought she was getting things ready and when I looked she was labeling the tubes.  I hadn't even felt anything.  And I have no bruise this time.  I see Dr. Jones next week.

Since I had fasted for the lab work, I stopped at Starbucks on the way home and got my coffee and got muffins. Les had made his coffee here and I had made his breakfast burrito before I left.

I'm doing some odds and ends and maybe a couple errands today.  We'll see about that.  I am also reading a good book, so that will be on my list, too. 😊

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is still good.  And God Bless America!

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