Monday, July 29, 2024

Morning Sky


I took this picture a couple days ago.  We had had rain for several days and it was dry when we got up that morning.  I went to Starbucks and got us coffee and muffins.  I thought the sky was pretty, so while stopped at the red light I took the picture.

We're okayish and I am trying to keep up with things.  We had an even bigger limb fall down from one of our other trees.  That required cleanup as soon as it was dry enough to be out there working.  Jacquie and Jordan came a couple days later and hauled the big pieces and bags of "stuff" to the dump.  

I spent another morning trimming the shrubs in front of the porch.  Also did a little other pruning and tidying up.  Looks better now.  I will post a picture later in another post.

I go for lab work tomorrow morning.  Since I have to fast for it, I will stop at Starbucks on the way home.  Les goes for his lab work Thursday morning.  We both see our doctor next week for annual visits.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is still good.  God Bless America!

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