Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Another Busy Day Here

I hope everyone is safe and doing well.

Finnigan, one of our furry boys, had to be checked in at the clinic for some testing this morning between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m.  So I was out and about early.  Got him there and checked in.  He is not happy.  I just checked and they are not ready for him to come home yet.

I stopped and got some coffee and got muffins for Les and me on the way home.  I was just getting ready to eat when our tree guy came to remove the dead tree in our yard.   So that done.  The guys did pretty well with the cleaning up and I only had a little bit of "stuff" to pick up.  I also had to put the bird feeder back in place and also a wind mill that sits in the middle of the back yard.  It came from an Amish store in Ohio and is supposed to deter moles.  We're not sure it does, but it's nice to look at.  I swept and used the blower in the front and back and all is tidy now.

After lunch Les and I went out to hunt for one of our sprinkler heads that hasn't been popping up.  We tried to do that last evening but gave up.  It's one close to where the tree work was going to be done and we wanted to flag it.  This afternoon I finally found it after raking a bunch of mulch around where we thought it should be.  I have since  moved mulch back and called our sprinkler company for someone to come and fix it.

Other than all this, since my last post, I have gotten a bit more yard work done and just have to clean up and prune in the mulched area across our back yard and in the corner. Then hopefully, I can keep up with it all.

We did finally get some rain and things are looking a bit greener and happier.  But we could still use some more rain.  

The tree was right behind the bird feeder.  The birds and squirrels are adjusting.  They were confused last evening when I took the feeder down.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is good.  God Bless America!

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