Monday, August 5, 2024

Miss You, Mom


Mom was a strong, capable, hard-working lady.  Someone took this picture of her way before I came along.  But it shows how she just got things done.  It was going to be chicken dinner that day.  I never saw her with an ax, but I totally believe this.  She did teach me to shoot a gun.  And she made sure I could ride a horse.  I have no idea who that friend was that had a farm with horses, but she made sure I could do it.  I can gladly tell you I have never had an urgent need to jump on a horse and take off.  And honestly, that is totally out of the question now.

I was raised to just put on a smile and get to it when something had to be done, or gotten through.  I admit that the full force of this came to me later rather than sooner.  But I've always known it and done my best.  I hope she knows I am still trying and that I miss her.  Sending up love, Mom.........and trying to smile. 💕

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