Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Bath Time in the Sun


Finnigan was enjoying a post breakfast bath.

I hope everyone is doing well.  Les and I are okayish. 

The weather is a bit nicer here right now and not quite so hot.  Things are still blooming in the yard.  I noticed this morning that the Liriope just started to bloom.  The Geraniums are still pretty and there are some Azaleas blooming.  

Around now is when I usually start to think about starting Christmas shopping.  I can't get motivated about that this year, but I am looking forward to getting out our Fall decorations.  First part of September I will be working on those.  Please note that I said "Fall", not "Halloween" decorations. 😀 The Today Show had a large report this morning on how it is now "Augtober" and so many folks are decorating for Halloween already and having special parties.  They also mentioned Pumpkin Spice is now available in many places.  So if you like that, enjoy!  I will not be having any, tried it once and that was enough.

We've had several appointments recently and so far, so good.  There's a couple more next week, too.  And our painter guy, Jeff, should be coming in the next couple days to paint our garage door for us.

Take care of yourselves.  Life is still good.  And God Bless America!

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