Saturday, August 3, 2024

More Wildlife


I looked out the back door and saw this little guy on the door mat yesterday.  First one I've seen with such a bright blue tail!  Later I saw the one that lives under the front step, but didn't have my phone with me to take a picture. He has stripes and is bigger.

We had some strong wind last evening, and the power briefly went out.  We didn't get any rain right here in our area, but some areas got a lot.  I had to go out and do more yard cleanup this morning.  Branches and bits were blown down.  Furniture and small tables moved around.  It's all cleaned up now, but I was not planning to be doing yard work today!  It's hot and humid, and right now the heat index is 103. 

Speaking of weather....we're watching to see what tropical storm/potential hurricane Debby is going to do. Looks like Florida is going to get hit with her. Then we'll see where she is headed.

Take care of yourselves and stay safe.  Life is still good.  And God Bless America!

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