Monday, January 28, 2019

Good Times

Our sweet reclusive Furry Boy, Cecil, has recently become more sociable.  At first it was just coming up onto the bed at night, and we thought it was just a one time thing.  But he's been coming to bed almost every night.  And then he started actually sitting on my lap!  We've had him since he was tiny and he is now thirteen years old.  I hope this lasts.

And as nice as it is having him near us, it has sort of altered Angus' and Finnigan's routines.  Adjustments are being made and at times I think there might be just a touch of jealousy, but they are adapting.

Les took this picture the other night while we were watching TV.  Cecil is facing me, and Angus is right next to Cecil. But all was calm and they were content.

Les took me to "The Butcher's Son" for my birthday dinner.  It was very good and a lovely place.  We would probably go there again and more often if we could get rid of the traffic.  But the dinner and people were great.  This was on the table:

Last evening we went to Plaza Azteca with Jacquie, Chris and the girls.   Nice time and everyone is doing well.  Cutie Girl told us about volcanoes and Little Miss E played peek-a-boo across the table.  Jordan is busy getting her forms and paperwork ready for ODU.

The pain in my leg is better than it was, but it has not gone away.  I have been doing my PT exercises and taking care of myself. 

And as always.... Life is Great!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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