Saturday, February 2, 2019

I Hope He's Right!

Punxsatawney Phil says we are going to have an early Spring!  I certainly hope so!  Our local Chesapeake Chuck has not made his prediction yet.

And thinking about an early Spring, Les and I have been researching some new yard tools.  Our trimmer needed repair and Les took it in.  He got a call saying it would be expensive and it is old.  So we need a new one and Les wanted a new edger, too.  He has found a combination unit that he likes and bought it yesterday.  I still need a new shrub trimmer/pruner and am leaning towards getting the one that is the same brand and will use the same battery as my blower.  I still have plenty of time to think about that.  It's going to have to be warmer before I go out to do anything.  Also, I need to feel better.

The PT is going okay although one exercise this week about did me in.  They had my head lower than my body and trying to do the exercise.  Blood rushed to my head and I got nauseous.  It must have shown on my face because she asked me if I was okay.  She got me up right away and things got better. Yesterday was not a good day;  my leg really hurt a lot.  Today is better.

It is sunny and warm enough for the guys to be playing golf today.  I hope Les is having a good round!  He was all layered up and left early for his tee time.

As predicted by the repairman, our dryer did get increasingly louder and rattled more.  We bought a new one this week and it was delivered yesterday.  I am doing laundry today and so far so good.  It is extremely quiet and efficient!

One more thing about the yard work.... in anticipation of getting my porch pansies in a month or so,  when we were at Lowe's getting the dryer we bought a bag of potting soil.  It was frozen solid!  😕

Life remains great!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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