Monday, February 18, 2019

Happy Presidents' Day!

Remember and celebrate our great country and our Presidents!

And according to all the ads and comments on TV, a lot of folks will be doing that by shopping.  Sales everywhere!  I am not one of those people.  😊

It rained pretty hard during the night, we heard it hitting the windows.  Right now it is 50 degrees and sunny. Many puddles in the yard though. The predicted rain is "scattered".  They are actually saying rain/snow mix for tomorrow night.  Then Wednesday is calling for rain all day.  But we'll just have to wait and see what happens.  We all know the forecasters are not always right.

Les has gone to the "Y".  I've done my PT exercises here at home.  I go to PT again tomorrow.

Nothing too exciting going on.  I've been taking care of the usual household chores and doing some desk stuff.

If you shop on Amazon you have probably gotten requests to review a product you purchased or been asked to answer another shopper's questions.  I just got another email from Amazon with some requests for help.  And I have decided that there are too many people that are either too lazy to take care of themselves or not smart enough.  Ever since I bought a steering wheel cover I have had at least twenty questions about what size cover to get for someone else's steering wheel.  I have gotten to the point where if I decide to reply I just say "go measure the steering wheel and look at the size chart!"  And yes, I do include that exclamation point.  I measured and ordered accordingly and the cover fits perfectly on Kirk.

And this just reinforces my belief that there are way too many people in the world who don't want to do anything for themselves and just want someone else to take care of them.  I have not mentioned it recently, but in case anyone has forgotten, I don't like and cannot stand whiners. Buck up, people, take care of yourselves, get a job, be productive!!   The hard-working American people (tax payers) do not need - and can not afford - to provide homes, education, food, medical care, transportation, phones, etc. to all the people who are not willing to work and support themselves.

And that is enough from the soapbox for today!  Amen!!

This favorite picture is from Wild Birds Unlimited.

Life is great!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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