Thursday, February 14, 2019

Where Does the Time Go? And Why So Fast?

Who knows??!!

Les and I are doing okay here.  The weather has been back and forth, as usual.  We even broke a record for high temps last week when it hit 79 one day.  Now it is cooler and sunny.  We've had some more rain and things are drying out again.  The pink bud trees in the medians are blooming out on Victory Blvd.  And we have seen daffodil buds showing up in the mulched areas around the neighborhood.

I went and bought some hardy pansies yesterday and got those potted and out on the porch.  I also bought two new pots for them.  Then I gathered up all my assorted pots and saucers of various sizes and Jacquie will FreeCycle those for me.

Les is playing golf when the weather permits.  Looks like tomorrow might be a good day.

My PT is progressing and my pain is slowly getting better.  The PT Techs keep telling me "we're doing great".

Other than all this, we've just been doing odds and ends and keeping up with things around the house.

We did go out for an early Valentine's dinner at Salsa's on Tuesday evening.  Great food!

So, life continues to be great!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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