Sunday, February 17, 2019

This and That

Since my last post where I said it was cold again, we had a couple warm days around 70 and it is now cold again and in the 40's today.  We are in the midst of at least five days of rain.  That is frustrating because our yard had just been getting dried out. 

There was a break in the rain this morning and I made a trip to the Commissary.  I may have mentioned before how much I dislike grocery shopping in the rain.  I got home and Les got things inside before it started to rain again.  Everything is put away now.

The rain yesterday was all day.  We stayed in and I got some things done on my mental "to-do" list.  The microwave had a good scrubbing.  I straightened our bookshelves and got that organized.  Then I cleaned some things out of my dresser and closet.  A couple bags will go out for the DAV neighborhood pickup on Wednesday.

I'm reading a good Clive Cussler book and we've been watching some of our recorded shows.

This coming week I have some things scheduled...... two days of PT, a haircut appointment, and a doctor's appointment.

The potted pansies are looking happy and I think they have grown a little.  Not blooming yet, but the buds are getting bigger.

I bought a new sweatshirt that caught my eye.  😊😊😊  (I'm not particularly good at taking selfies and resorted to using the mirror.)

So, life is great!  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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