Monday, January 21, 2019


The forecasted weather front did come through here and did what they predicted.  We started out yesterday morning at 63 degrees.  By supper time it was down to 36 and then into the teens last night.  It's 21 right now as I am writing this.  We did not get any snow.  What we have is frozen puddles and mud in the yard.  It is sunny and bright and quite breezy.

I bundled up and went out to fill the bird feeder.  While I was having my breakfast I had looked out and there were ten robins out in the yard.  Poor things obviously don't know they were supposed to head South, or else they have come back way too soon.  😊  I hope they have something to eat and find a warm place to rest.

The man is here working on the garage door opener installation.  Les asked if he wanted to postpone since it is so cold but he said no.

Our family in Ohio is digging out from at least fourteen inches of snow and really cold weather.  Ohio does a much better job of dealing with snow than Virginia does.  If we had that much, things would be shut down for at least a week! I remember when I was little girl school closings were rare.  Kids were just bundled up in sweaters, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, snow pants, and boots and sent on to school.  And of course the roads were plowed.

I hope everyone is safe and happy.  Stay that way!  Life is great!  God Bless America!

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