Thursday, January 24, 2019

Blah, Just Blah

Last week I started to have pain running down my right leg, hip area to toes.  At first it was just discomfort, then achy, then increasing pain.  First thing Monday I called my Ortho Doc and got an appointment for first thing Tuesday.  I knew I wouldn't get in to see him on Monday since that is one of his surgery days.  I was fearing all sorts of possibilities.  He ruled some of those out after taking a couple x-rays.  He thinks the problem is from a severe inflammation that is irritating nerves.  My right leg has had nerve damage from bone spurs in my spine and the back surgeries, so it never feels "right".  Dr. A. ordered a course of steroids and PT.  Yesterday was the first day of the pills and I went for the PT evaluation.  I will be going twice a week and also doing exercises here at home; I am hopeful.  The pills may be starting to work since I haven't closed myself in the bathroom to cry anymore because of the pain.  I have a high tolerance but there are limits.  😊

And since I truly believe that if I don't keep moving, I won't be able to, I have been keeping up with a few things around here.  But I have been resting and taking care of myself, too.  I have almost finished another book.  I have even taken a few short naps.

In other news, our frigid temperatures are gone.  Those few windy days in the teens and twenties were brutal.  Today is 60's and pouring rain again. And here is a picture of some of the smaller puddles in the backyard.  I couldn't take pictures of the larger puddles without actually going out in the rain and that wasn't happening.

One area at the side of our deck has stepping stones in the mulch.  The stones were completely under water last time I looked. 

Nothing much else going on.  Life is still great, it's just uncomfortable sometimes.  Stay safe and God Bless America!

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