I hope everyone is well and happy! Things are good here. Our weather is a little cooler but the sun is out nice and bright. Les is playing golf. I just finished putting things away after a Commissary trip.
Our A/C check was rescheduled to this coming week. Seems like the standard reason for changes now is "someone is sick and we're short-staffed". That's happened twice recently, different companies. But honestly, if someone is really sick, I'd rather they didn't bring the germs into our home anyway.
I've been plugging away at the Spring cleaning. I think I'm done except for the room upstairs. I always save that one for last. A lot of the things that I've been working on are things most people won't notice, but it gives me a sense of satisfaction to know that I have done them. And even more satisfaction to know that I still can!
I remember as a child helping Mom and Grama with the Spring cleaning. Way back then 😊 they would drag out rugs and carpets and hang on the outdoor clothesline and I got to help beat them to knock the dust and dirt out. Curtains would be taken down, washed and starched and re-hung. And there was the wallpaper cleaning with the big cans of "dough" that was like Play-Doh, but always green. We'd take a big wad of it and work it until it was soft and then rub it all over the wallpaper to clean it. They would also scrub the floors on their hands and knees and then use a paste wax on the linoleum. When they were finished the floors were shiny and so slick you could take your shoes off and slide all the way across on your socks!
But, as we all are aware, I am no longer that young, none of us are. I use mops and vacuums. Actually, I used three different vacuums to clean the non-washable window treatments, and clean baseboards, corners, nooks, and crannies. Also vacuumed the lampshades and furniture. The windows just got washed on the inside because we will be having the house power-washed soon and that always messes up the windows. Did not see any sense in doing the outside of the windows at this time.

While I was busy cleaning, the furry boys tried to stay out of my way. They are not fond of the vacuums. Angus did spend some time in the kitchen. He had just discovered the new Culligan faucet and was figuring out how to turn it on. He learned how to move the faucet - unfortunately over the counter, and was working on turning the water on when I discovered what he was doing. He's such a sweetie! Don't worry, they have fresh water available at all times in a couple places. It wasn't like he was feeling parched.
And speaking of sweeties...... I would really like to have Little Miss E's hair! It is gorgeous! Any scientists out there working on reverse heredity?
All in all, life is good! Stay safe and God Bless America!