Les got me two dozen beautiful roses in a purple vase. I will take a picture when the light is better. I got him a book he wanted. We will go out for dinner on another night and skip the crowds this evening. 😊

Right now it is mid-40's and cloudy on the way to 60. The guys are playing golf. Our yard is still pretty wet but I am hoping the course is better for them.
There are some jobs that need to be done out in the yard, but I need dryer footing before I go out to do them, so all of that is "on hold".
As far as I know, our girls and their families are well and busy.
It's just a quiet day here. I fast forwarded through the Olympics that we recorded last evening. Honestly, we aren't that impressed with the coverage or some of the athletes this time. The weather is interesting though. I saw the report on the wind storm that hit Olympic Park and everyone had to be evacuated and take cover. Blew things over, took down tents and covers, stopped events. One scene showed a row of drink vending machines all lying on the ground "belly up"!
I started the newest Jack Reacher book. I'm only twenty pages into it and already can tell it is great! Les has already read it. We are working on our books we received for Christmas and are reading and swapping. Fortunately there are a lot of authors that we both like.
A reminder - - - - - - - postage rates have gone up. I knew they were thinking about it, but never saw a notice. First class is now 50 cents and postcard rate is 35 cents. Rates for packages have gone up, too. We fine here for now; I had stocked up on "Forever" stamps a while ago and still have several sheets. 😊
Remember, life is good! Stay safe and God Bless America!
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