Thursday, March 1, 2018

I Think Mother Nature Is Having "Issues"

Hi, all!  It is a dark, rainy 55 here today.  Starting tonight the wind is supposed to pick up and we are under gale warnings and high wind warnings for the next two days, gusting up to 40 mph.  I hope all the little birds are ready.  They've been busy building nests.

Over the last couple weeks, the pink bud trees are blooming.  There are a bunch of those in the median on Victory Boulevard.  The Bradford Pear trees are in bloom and are snowy white.  Forsythia is blooming.  Daffodils and hyacinths are blooming. Pollen is in the air!  The grass will need to be mowed soon.  Here in our yard we have buds on our new tree in the backyard.  We are anxious to see what it will look like since it was bare when planted.   There is new growth on the hydrangeas and some new leaves on the azaleas. The green leaves of the day lilies are coming up.  It looks like Spring has sprung, but it is only March 1st.  So I am concerned for all the lovely blooming things.

There is a tradition in our area of snow in later March.  It used to be every time the circus came into town we could expect a snowstorm.  The circus doesn't come any more, so I am hoping we get to skip any more snow!

We were on Canon Boulevard yesterday and even the lovely cherry trees that line that road have sent out a few stray blooms.  It is way too early for the cherry trees to bloom!  But I admire the spunk of those little scout blooms.

I had my post-op visit with my surgeon.  He says I am healing well.  Basically everything will take time.  That includes the healing, the tiredness, the lack of appetite, and the change in my taste buds. Getting the allergic reaction cleared up also takes time.  So basically, I am supposed to rest and take care of myself and call him if anything comes up.

I made it to the Commissary; just took my time and went slowly.  No problems.  I hadn't been in a couple weeks.  I had been planning to go the day I ended up in the ER.  Then we had to wait until the fridge was fixed.  I still need to get our things from Jacquie's freezer.

Our taxes were finished and we went to sign and pay and pick up our paperwork.  Nice people but in an inconvenient office.  It's on the third floor and there is no elevator.  But we call when we get to the parking lot and someone brings everything down to us.  We are sure we are not the only ones that need this service.  😊 I would like to have words with the architect of that building.  Part of the stairway is out in the open, uncovered.  I am not sure there are even any handrails.  Some common sense would have been a good idea for this building.  But I was not asked.😊

Today I had a routine dental check-up and cleaning.  No problems there.  And I also went and got my hair trimmed.  Yea!

Les played golf yesterday.  Was good to get out again but not a great round.  Today he's been to the "Y" and doing computer stuff and reading. 

Thanks to everyone for the good thoughts and prayers.  We are on the mend! 

Life is good!  God Bless America!

This picture has been around a few times but I still think it is funny!

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