Sunday, June 22, 2014

Some Updates

Hey, all!

I hope everyone is doing well.  Golfer and I have been busy with all the usual stuff around here.

Our weather has been HOT - close to 100 a few days - and humid.  The weather reports call for storms most days, but that is sort of hit or miss.  Some areas get wet, others don't.  We have for the last couple days.  But with the heat, we need the rain.  Just wish it would come later in the day or during the night.  :)

Golfer is doing much better and he is back to playing golf.  Being careful and taking care of himself.  We don't want a relapse of back spasms.

Hiro, our Acura, was in for repairs.  Took longer than they predicted and cost more than they estimated, but he is home now!  They did a good job putting in the new parts and blending the paint.  Just one small glitch - the person who painted on the accent stripe did not match it to the one on the other side of the car.  Now, in reality, probably no one else would notice since you can't see both sides of the car at the same time.  But it annoys me.  Golfer saw it first and showed me as we were inspecting the work.    It doesn't look bad, it just doesn't match.  They assure us it can be fixed in a very short time.  Their work is guaranteed.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Our furry kid, Angus, is recuperating well from his surgery.  He has a check-up tomorrow.  We have found a prescription food that they will all eat.  His doctor says it will probably prevent additional bladder stone problems in all of them if they eat the CD diet.  It certainly makes meal times easier for Golfer and me.  Some days I just don't have the strength and energy to referee meal time and keep everyone at their own dish when they are eating different foods!  Finnigan had his yearly check-up and he had good test results.  Cinder and Cecil are just glad it wasn't them going these times.

So all in all,  things are going well.  Life is good.  Stay safe!

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