First there was the violence associated with the Atlantic Beach Bike Fest (otherwise known as the BBF) Several killed, many injured, lots of traffic violations, shootings, stabbings, businesses lost money, and general rude behavior. Local residents and vacationers annoyed and/or traumatized. Big mess. Decisions to be made on what to do to end all this.
Then, also on the national news, some idiot left a loaded gun on a shelf in the Target store. Isn't that just great!?
Then a couple days later, also on national news, a bunch of tourists were on a deck at at hotel resort watching a beautiful rainbow and trying to take pictures. The deck collapsed and several were hurt.
What will be next? I imagine the PR people are pretty stressed. Good luck to them.

AND................ coming soon!..............King Kong! Although I don't think anyone is in danger from him. He is a site to see as you're driving down the Rt. 17 Bypass, a main thoroughfare in Myrtle Beach!
The building used to be the NASCAR Restaurant. They went out of business and the building was empty for a few years. There was talk of Pat Boone making it into a theater, but that did not happen. Work is underway right now to turn it into a wax museum. With King Kong climbing up the tower! I think he should be deputized during BBF!
Stay safe!