Sunday, November 2, 2008

One Holiday Done, More to Come!

I hope everyone had a nice Halloween and didn't overdose on left-over candy! We didn't seem to have as many trick-or-treaters here this year; but we had a decent bunch. No one was too rowdy. Of course, the home owners' association called in extra security for the evening, and publicized it, so maybe the rabble rousers went elsewhere.

You can check out adorable pictures of Boxer and Bloomer on Bikini's blog. BeyB dressed up as an ice cream cone and was cute, too. If I can, I will post a picture of her soon. Of course, I think all of them are great!

The Halloween decorations have been put away and a few Thanksgiving ones put out. I am in the midst of Christmas preparations. I do not currently have the strength or stamina to do heavy duty shopping due to my foot, so I have been shopping in short bursts. You know, like where I can park by the door closest to where I want to go in a store and just do the one store that day. Several gifts need to be shipped and I like to get those ready early. Right now I am at the point of having a large pile of things still in bags that need to be sorted and wrapped.

My foot is progressing. I wear the special boot fewer hours each day and am getting along okay. It's nice to be able to get back in the pool at the "Y". I missed that. Hopefully the screw will hold the bones together and all will mend just fine. I am being careful.

So Fall is in full swing, the leaves are starting to change color here, time has changed and it's dark early. The squirrels and birds ate all my decorative corn outside, and Cinder managed to knock over two vases of flowers that were on the fireplace mantle. Cecil did his part by grabbing a flower and dragging it away. Hermione had enough sense to get out of the way. In the grand scheme of things - all is normal and all is well.

I would like to say a big thank you to God now for watching over me. Nine years ago - November 2, 1999, at about this time of the evening, I was unconcious in a crushed car out on I-64. Eighteen-wheelers not paying attention can do that to a person. So on a happy note - Yea, God! Thanks!

I will sign off now and try to keep the annual heebie jeebies in check. No driving for me this evening. Stay safe!

1 comment:

Pam said...

Yes, a giant BOO-YAH for God for keeping my mom around so I could poke fun at her on the internet. Love you!